View Full Version : smoking

01-16-2008, 08:48 AM
Does smoking take over your body ? id been smoking for over 10 years and i get more problems now than i ever did,any one else got the same symtoms ?

The Melody of Rain
01-16-2008, 08:05 PM
You'll need to be more specific.

Smoking will worsen your anxiety...thats about all I have to say.

01-16-2008, 08:17 PM
Can smoking 'take over your body'? Perhaps it does in a way. And it can certainly worsen your anxiety. It can do this both directly AND by making you worry about how your smoking might be negativey affecting your health. With this said, you are certainly better off not smoking. But it could be hard to quit if you have an ongoing anxiety problem. My recommendation here is to try to quit slowly so as to minimize withdrawal. Also if you have mutiple problems of this sort, like smoking, drinking and/or drug use, it is best not to try to drop all of them at once. This is just a recipe for failure. Remember that when it comes to quitting smoking, drinking, drugs, etc, your goal should be to quit. NOT to quit in record time. Taking a little longer to quit is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than going cold turkey and relapsing back into it.