View Full Version : Things just get put into plain sight

11-22-2013, 03:32 PM
I have been so wrapped up in my own illness to even notice my daughter was ill with a throat and chest infection until I noticed the cough settle on her chest so rang the gp for an appointnent and found out she needed anti biotics but its already started to mend itself I can't believe I didn't get that feeling she wasn't well like I always do

To add to that she was at A&E 2 nights ago and they also didn't notice even tho they checked her over

I honestly feel terrible but now I feel I know what matters more and this anxiety can go to hell I have a family to think of

11-22-2013, 03:56 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry :(. I don't have any kids, but I worry about having this happen with my cat! I got a cat because I thought he would help distract me and ease my nerves, but I find I still spend most of my time worrying about myself. I worry that he'll become depressed from lack of attention! I have been trying to focus on him lately when I am home, petting him and giving him hugs.

I hope your kid gets better soon!!!!