View Full Version : Anxiety/ Derealization?

11-22-2013, 01:19 PM
Over the past few weeks I have been struggling with my anxiety alot. I have developed this strange symptom of feeling hazy, disconnected and overall not fully coherent. I cannot seem to get rid of it not matter what I do. I am getting normal amounts of sleep and no changes in my diet or anything like that. Does anyone have any tips or helpful ways to get rid of this? I can't continue to live my life in this crazy fog all the time :(

11-22-2013, 02:36 PM
This is a major problem for me to some days it's worse than others but it is bloody disturbing but what I've learned is you've got to reason with it say to your self this is me this is my life I gotta live with this if I like it or not try accepting it is difficult but it is possible ignorance an acceptance is the key to getting used to it in the end you'll adapt to it but try not to worry about as it'll raise your anxiety an make it more intense that's the problem I did just be around people you love do things you love try not to think about an over analysing it try forcing it out your mind even though it seems impossible to ignore you can do it I wish ya all the best mate I know how scary this can be to live with