View Full Version : Oh my god, now I'm scared again

11-22-2013, 01:16 PM
Okay, so I had an appointment with my gyno this morning to discuss alternative birth control because the nuvaring was not working for me. Anyway, I also asked her to check out my right breast because I have been having pain in there for three months. She found the spot I described to her where there would be a sharp sting when pressed. She said it was weird that it was there for so long and referred me to the breast clinic at Kaiser. I have an appointment 12/2 where I assume they might do an ultrasound of my breast or something. I am scared of breast cancer now! Jeez! When will it end! Each time it's something new, I think "this is it, this is the end for me, I'm gonna have cancer". I hate this! Luckily, I am seeing a psychiatrist the same day. Maybe I should be on medication for my anxiety. :C

11-22-2013, 01:17 PM
I just want to know NOW what it is! What a long wait :'(

11-22-2013, 01:33 PM
I actually had the same thing, it started with one spot then progressed into many different areas on my breasts that had the same pain. I was referred to the breast clinic and was totally freaked out as well. It turned out to be Fibrocystic Breast Syndrome, which is completely benign and actually effects something like 50% of women. The doctor also told me that if there's pain, it's usually not cancer, which definitely calmed me down.

I know it's torture, but hang in there!

11-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Would you describe the pain as stinging/burning and occasionally throbbing on its own of when you're lying down in your stomach or side?

11-22-2013, 02:15 PM
That's exactly it- a stinging/burning and occasionally achy. It definitely hurt when I touched it, but would hurt all on its own randomly, especially when I was laying down. There was also a very specific spot where the pain was coming from, but would sometimes radiate outwards.

11-22-2013, 02:28 PM
Great, this makes me less scared!! Yay :) are your breasts lumpy? There seems to be a little lump associated with my pain.