View Full Version : Health Anxiety - Hypochondria

11-22-2013, 12:18 PM
Been to the doctor 2 times in the last week - two different ones and both have cleared me medically. I still think I have cancer though because no matter how much I eat, I am not putting on weight. I generally weigh about 215-18 and now about 212 - 214.

I am afraid of looking in the mirror or putting on certain clothes because I might be too skinny, plus I feel tired.

My anxiety is at an all time high and they just upped me to .5 mg's of Alprazolam.

Anyone else have this problem?

11-22-2013, 12:37 PM
Why cancer AD? Any reason, or just a random fear that kinda seemed relevant?

I mean, anxiety and stress screw with your metabolism, there's a good chance that that could be to blame for the weight inconsistency. But, I guess that's not the problem is it, the problem is fear of cancer.

Has it always been cancer? Was there something before that? A heart problem fear, maybe? Brain trouble? A disease? Or is cancer a continuing fear?

11-22-2013, 12:59 PM
Why cancer AD? Any reason, or just a random fear that kinda seemed relevant?

I mean, anxiety and stress screw with your metabolism, there's a good chance that that could be to blame for the weight inconsistency. But, I guess that's not the problem is it, the problem is fear of cancer.

Has it always been cancer? Was there something before that? A heart problem fear, maybe? Brain trouble? A disease? Or is cancer a continuing fear?

The problem is always something different. It just rotates. I go to the doc, they do bloodwork and check me out - give me a clean bill of health and attribute it to my anxiety - but then I find something else. I really try not to Google symptoms or do the whole online search thing - it is sort of inevitable though.

11-22-2013, 01:15 PM
I have health anxiety some days it's really gets me down I have now been told to start my Sertraline aswell as propanolol to try stop irrational thinking.

Mine was heart disease or the run up to a heart attack its also the case where I don't want to leave my daughter so I am constantly thinking and checking for stuff

I have minimised the panic attacks by being able just to tell myself stop your ok, it's hard to take the approach what will be will be but I have found it the most effective by just going out doing what you want to do takes your mind off things and you forget about it completely the pain goes away and stays away

11-22-2013, 01:19 PM
Thanks WM85. I have had those same fears too in the past. This is just really hard especially when they tell you that you are ok; I am convinced either the docs miss something or they are not being straight with me.

11-22-2013, 01:25 PM
Ah honestly I have had this same fight with my doctors one doctor sent me away saying it was anxiety then obviously discussed me with another doctor 2 days later I got a phone call from the doctor to ask me to go back in that she should have done more checks

I then met a real nice doctor who actually laughed at me and said this is our job if you were given us any sort of symptoms even just one for a cancer check we would get you referred, we would loose our job if we missed something like that or left it until it was incurable

He put my mind at ease straight away but only for a little while I do have health anxiety after all so the week after it was a stroke I thought I was having

11-22-2013, 01:32 PM
Hi anxious dad,

I have really bad health anxiety and cancer fears, I've most 1.5 stone In 2 months . My appetite is terrible and I feel sick a lot. The docs sat anxiety causes this also being anxious burns fat
. I know it's hard to believe but your worry cause weight issues. Like you though, I also attribute weight loss to cancer. are you on any meds or getting therapy ?

11-22-2013, 01:32 PM
Your meds might also be affecting your weight.

11-22-2013, 01:33 PM
Ah honestly I have had this same fight with my doctors one doctor sent me away saying it was anxiety then obviously discussed me with another doctor 2 days later I got a phone call from the doctor to ask me to go back in that she should have done more checks

I then met a real nice doctor who actually laughed at me and said this is our job if you were given us any sort of symptoms even just one for a cancer check we would get you referred, we would loose our job if we missed something like that or left it until it was incurable

He put my mind at ease straight away but only for a little while I do have health anxiety after all so the week after it was a stroke I thought I was having

Well I tell them about my symptoms or concerns, they check blood work and check me out and seem to think everything is ok and related to my anxiety. I am in the "what if" spiral right now. Everything I read, see or hear. I know I am not the only one, but I just want it to go away. :)

11-22-2013, 01:35 PM
I find it so hard to believe at times that my physical symptoms are anxiety as they are so strong. Really hoping that my CBT helps

11-22-2013, 01:41 PM
Your meds might also be affecting your weight.
That is what the pharmacist said! :) And when I really look at it we are only talking 4-5lbs. I am an exercise freak. I know the rational answer, but the "what ifs" just won't go away. Thanks!

11-22-2013, 01:50 PM
4-5 really isn't much :) but I know how health anxiety is - we focus on the smallest of things - well seem small to others but not to us. You'll be fine. I'm scared to take meds as I got team bad side effects from citalopram which made my Health anxiety worse. I take propanolol but they don't do much as I have depression and anxiety.

11-22-2013, 02:52 PM
4-5 really isn't much :) but I know how health anxiety is - we focus on the smallest of things - well seem small to others but not to us. You'll be fine. I'm scared to take meds as I got team bad side effects from citalopram which made my Health anxiety worse. I take propanolol but they don't do much as I have depression and anxiety.
I understand about your med situation - I have been on plenty that for one side-effect or another really threw me for a loop. The propanolol seems to be pretty popular for docs treating the physical panic fight or flight symptoms, but you are right that they don't really do much to help with the other. I need to get back into a psychiatrist and find a right longer term medication that will help me and it sounds like you are in the same situation. Psychiatrists, good ones, are really the best equipped to prescribe what we need.

11-22-2013, 10:39 PM
Been to the doctor 2 times in the last week - two different ones and both have cleared me medically. I still think I have cancer though because no matter how much I eat, I am not putting on weight. I generally weigh about 215-18 and now about 212 - 214.

I am afraid of looking in the mirror or putting on certain clothes because I might be too skinny, plus I feel tired.

My anxiety is at an all time high and they just upped me to .5 mg's of Alprazolam.

Anyone else have this problem?

I'm in the same boat as you. I have extreme anxiety regarding health. I'm constantly thinking something is wrong w me like heart attack, heart disease, stroke, cancer, right now I'm freaking out that I have schizophrenia. I have a daughter I'm constantly worried about something benign wrong with her. I worry about people dying and me not being able to handle it. I was doing ok for a good 6 months and now I've just spiraled out of control. I refuse to take Meds. I tried Prozac and had a bad reaction. I just can't stand this impending doom and living my life worrying everyday something is wrong with me. It's horrible :(

11-22-2013, 11:12 PM
I'm in the same boat as you. I have extreme anxiety regarding health. I'm constantly thinking something is wrong w me like heart attack, heart disease, stroke, cancer, right now I'm freaking out that I have schizophrenia. I have a daughter I'm constantly worried about something benign wrong with her. I worry about people dying and me not being able to handle it. I was doing ok for a good 6 months and now I've just spiraled out of control. I refuse to take Meds. I tried Prozac and had a bad reaction. I just can't stand this impending doom and living my life worrying everyday something is wrong with me. It's horrible :(
Thanks ens22108, I really appreciate the message. I have gone back and forth with meds too - had some that I absolutely hated and others that really worked well. I am not telling you what to do if you really don't want to take meds, but there is a pretty big variety out there. Are you in any kind of therapy right now?

The impending doom and worry is horrible, I struggle with similar things everyday - and I know that it can be even more tough with when you have kids.

I find so much strength in knowing there are others out there like us though.

11-22-2013, 11:18 PM
I find it so hard to believe at times that my physical symptoms are anxiety as they are so strong. Really hoping that my CBT helps
CBT is tough especially if you spiraling ya know. I am on Xanax - .5 mgs now after being at .25. I wish I was at a place where I could employ my CBT techniques. I hope yours begins to work though, because I know how bad this place we are all in is.

11-22-2013, 11:38 PM
I was in therapy but stopped going because e was just telling me stuff I already knew. I know it's anxiety I know I'm probably not dying. She wasn't really helping me I just told her stuff and she said yeah that'll do it you should try Meds for now as a crutch for you. So I just stopped. I'm thinking about looking into cbt. Also I heard drinking magnesium helps a great deal, I want to look into that as well.

11-23-2013, 01:39 AM
I bought some camomile tea yesterday thinking this is tea it won't help and it really did I felt great maybe give it a try?

11-24-2013, 01:38 PM
It's the anxiety that's making you loose weight an stay at that size I used to be a really fat lad then anxiety kicked in I was as skinny as a rake my hip bones shoulder bones collar etc all stuck out, it's just your anxiety honest but we over analyse things an I know how you feel we just expect the worst it's our only way of thinking being a sufferer if this

11-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the replies. I have tried chamomile tea and that is actually helpful. As for the weight, I went to the doc AGAIN today and he told me I have lost 2.5 lbs since Oct. He said he can do that in a day and he is a skinny guy. It doesn't necessarily help my anxiety, but that is a good point. The big thing that I need to address is all the "What If" thinking...that is the real kicker that keeps me so disengaged on a daily basis.