View Full Version : Annoying headaches

11-22-2013, 11:04 AM
I've been getting headaches for the last three weeks, nearly everyday. They're all different, which I guess might be a good thing because perhaps they're all isolated incidences, and not indicative of my imminent demise. This morning I actually started crying from a migraine because I am already so tired of this pain and fear. The doctors are un-phased, though, so I guess I've got that going for me.

I think they're annoyed that I don't want to constantly take medicine to help the headaches, I just want them gone. Am I being irrational?!

11-22-2013, 02:46 PM
I suffered with headaches for months before I even went to see about them and then for another couple of months without medication before I decided to try something

To be honest tables did nothing for me but a steroid nasal spray done wonders some tablets work fantastic for some people and others it doesn't

I would at least try to give something a go if its nearly every day

Although have you tried cutting out caffeine?