View Full Version : Time Perception/Memories with Depersonalization!

11-22-2013, 02:49 AM
Hi, this message mainly to people who suffer with Depersonalization and Derealization!

One of my worse things at the moment is it feels like I have no time perception and my memories don't feel that real!

Yesterday for example, I worked all day and then went to the pub with work friends for a drink! Whilst I was in the pub, it didn't feel like I had been to work the same day if that makes sense? Even though I know I did!

Anyone else with DP/DR get this?

Olive Yew
11-22-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes all the time. When you're in dp/dr mode, your brain feels like your reality is your discomfort and anything real is just a dream... Or fake. Because of that, it tends to forget or not pay attention to what's happened that day because to your mind, it wasn't as important as what you were feeling

11-22-2013, 11:41 AM
I have this too. I also often feel like I am not really experiencing the things I am doing, especially when I am out for a walk. For some reason, walking outside feels less real to me than staying at home. I often have to touch something to bring some tangibility to my experiences. I've had this since high school, on and off. I generally don't notice unless I am alone. Have you talked to someone about this? Do you have PTSD?