View Full Version : Bad day and scared!! Help!!

11-22-2013, 02:36 AM
I have woken up feeling so ill. Stomachs sore I feel sick and my mouths watering. I'm scared coz I have a phobia of being sick. I feel like this most days but never sick. Iv chickened out of my doctors appt this morning coz I'm too scared to go out.
When I went bed I had terrible pains in my stomach and made me feel sick not sure if it's stomach acid or not or if it's hunger but I get scared to eat. It scares me and the feeling it gives me scares me even more. Does anyone else have this and know how to deal with it?

I'm in such a bad way and lately all iv wanted to do is curl up and cry and for it to all go away.

11-22-2013, 04:24 AM
Sound like hunger. Why don't you call and ask to speak with a nurse?