View Full Version : scared i am losing control

11-21-2013, 11:10 AM
Hey everyone, I'm 29, have smoked pot very occasionally since I was 16. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and an anxiety disorder. Hoping not to be judged because of this, please! (the pot smoking)

In the last few weeks before this incident I should mention that my anxiety was at an all time high. I've been taking Ativan like it's candy just to cope. My boyfriend and a buddy of ours went outside for a smoke. I haven't smoked pot in a LONG time and packed a full bowl in my pipe. Well, I was taking huge tokes and smoked almost the whole bowl, which for me was a lot. I felt fine, went inside and laid down and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started panicking -very- badly. I was sweating, heart racing, and was convinced I was going to have a heart attack, suffocate or die. Or that I was going insane. It lasted for about four hours, and I finally managed to get down a few handfuls of cereal and pass out. I laid in bed with horrendous full-body tremors before I finally succumbed to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I felt better but my boyfriend left for camp for 20 days and that always sets me off a bit anyway, anxiety wise (my anxiety is very bad, I feel the need to mention.) I didn't feel well enough to be alone so I have gone to stay at my parents house for a few days.

Now it is 2 days later and I am not sure what is going on with me but it's scaring me really badly. I am dizzy, have chest pains, nausea, diarrhea, and the dizziness and chest pains increase when I lay down. My anxiety is out of control. I'm having crying fits, overwhelming feelings of dread that wash over me suddenly without warning. My heart will start racing and I am getting these feelings of not being myself, or fear that something is now permanently wrong with me. I did some Googling about cannabis negative effects and found studies linking them to schizophrenia and some personality/reality disorder. Now I am even more worried.

I am not sure if either a) I am getting sick. Or b) the experience was so awful that I am still traumatized by it and feeling the effects. I hope option c) that something is permanently wrong with me now) isn't an option at all. Hoping you guys can help, please :(

11-21-2013, 11:17 AM
Please don't panic even more I had this after my first attack I felt bad for a few days and I kept saying to people it's like a switch that ha been switched on and now it's stuck I can't hold back the attacks

With you not smoking pot for a long time do you maybe think you were anticipating it kicking in (this always elevates the affects of anything)

I can't promise it will totally go away but you will feel better in a couple of days just hang in there

11-21-2013, 03:22 PM
The pot has you snake bit and you should calm down as long as you stay on the meds for bipolar and maybe lean on the ativan. After you calm down from this episode, lesson learned. No dubbus!:) Stay away from stimulants also. Alankay