View Full Version : Shutting down.

11-21-2013, 10:32 AM
I no longer socialise or go out other than to work because I have to it's a defence mechanism I guess but it's kinda a negative reaction that I can't see a way out of going our is just a minefield but staying in holds its own set of problems. I'm stuck. Anyone else?

11-21-2013, 10:46 AM
I have been getting like that here latley too ! & I hate it ! I dont even like to go to walmart for to long if I do I start feeling all weird and stuff and I'm ready to just get outta there. I know exactly where your coming from.

11-21-2013, 10:53 AM
Stuff like that shopping nights out etc is supposed to be fun but it's my worst nightmare I don't know how to stop seeing it like that it's horrible. Everything seems pointless like what's the point in clothes if I'll never wear them etc

11-21-2013, 11:00 AM
Exactly it never really bothered me going out shopping and stuff. Here lately I have just been sending my husband to do everything and I really hate it.! I try to over come it by going to walmart I can be in there for a few mins then I'm like okay lets go . Its just so hard to over come it here lately. I'm feeling its cuz I think about everyday I wake up am I gonna feel normal today. It sucks.

11-21-2013, 11:18 AM
I forgot what normal feels like but then what is normal?? It sucks that ppl don't really talk about stuff like this I know to talk to ppl and hear that they have similar problems to myself really helps but most ppl just are scared of discussing it I get very sweaty but I know it's my anxiety as I don't get it when I'm at home it's one of the things that keeps me indoors, what causes ur anxiety?

11-21-2013, 11:34 AM
Yea exactly it makes me feel better if I talk about it with someone who is going through something simular to me. I think holding it in makes it much worst. I get sweaty to my feet and mu palms do. It will happen to me even when I'm inside my house also. Well at first when it first started it was going on like 2 hour drives in the car . We would litterly have to stop at so many stores for me to calm down and actually feel like I can breath again. But now here lately it just kicked up in high gear I been getting it everyday. I think its cuz I worry about it so much . I wake up in the morning saying am i gonna feel normal today. & bam I think about it all over again.. like it hits me the worst at night I dont know why we will be laying down watching tv and I just can't cocentrate real well cuz I get that tingling feeling in your head. I hate it.

11-21-2013, 11:45 AM
It's a vicious cycle u get anxiety so u worry about the symptoms and how to stop them which then triggers the symptoms into rearing their ugly heads it's so hard as once you're in that cycle u can't find a way out only deeper into it like u worry about sweating or not being able to breathe so it makes u sweaty and unable to breathe it makes u a hard person to be around because ppl don't understand it my doctor was rubbish to so no help there I try to hide it but it's getting harder and harder i envy u having ur husband for support :) ur really lucky in that sense I can't even be in a relationship.

11-21-2013, 12:00 PM
Yess definitely that is exactly how it works. & it really does suck. I am really getting tired of it! Then you start feeling something else and you worry about that. Then me I have a bad habbit of googling everything lol. So that how I started realizing I was going through anxiety. I have not seen any doctors. I think I have a bit of a health anxiety also. Which really does suck even more. & thank you I'm so glad my husband is such a great suppoter. He really has been here for me here lately since its been so bad. I even tell him I'm sorry I been such a pain in the butt. & awh I'm sorry you will find someone someday it may take time but the right guy will come. You just gotta work at it ya know . Like my moms tells me you gotta be the pilot you cant let it control you or take over. Its hard I know cuz I tell her its harder then it sounds tho. If your not going through it you really don't know how anxiety is. Its such a drag and pain in the butt.

11-21-2013, 12:13 PM
I just read an article on mental health and how if you've never been through it no matter how hard I try u can't understand it my family fall into this category they're of the pull yourself together school of thought helpful I know. I too google things a lot an convince myself I have every illness that fits my symptoms. It's usually all caused by my anxiety I don't think I will meet anyone like I said I never go out just to work or to see my family so no opportunity to meet anyone and when I do I can't like be affection or open I just shut it all out ur husband must be a really good person to be there and understand even if u are a pain in the butt sometimes :) he knows you can't help it.

11-21-2013, 12:23 PM
Nope nobody will really truly understand it unless they been in the postion there self. I told my mom and my husband that. Its just so hard I have read people having anxiety for a long time and they were talking about there doing great and anxiety free now. It takes awhile to calm it down I can tell. & oh yess I am the same way I guess anxiety and hypercondriac fall together. Cuz that is how I am when I worry something else is wrong with me. Which then it gets worst. Yea I know what you mean. We just gotta work at it and sooner or later I pray it will all get better. Just gotta keep your faith in god.

11-21-2013, 02:58 PM
I sometimes worry about going out because I worry I will have a heart attack or be assaulted in the street or run over or whatever doomsday scenario you care to mention.