View Full Version : panic!

11-21-2013, 10:24 AM
well I've just been to the hairdressers for my hair cut and dyed new hairdressers so first time and they knew but they didn't offer me a skin test? I mean I've never had one in the past I've only ever had my hair highlights when I was younger once and I've dyed my hair loads of diff colours in the past (not for a few years now) just worried that I'll get a reaction!! anyone else been to new salons and not had a skin test or anything?? I'm freaking over the silliest things I've just noticed a red rough mark near my lip and now I think it's to do with a reaction starting :(

11-21-2013, 10:28 AM
As a hairdresser myself unless they had any access to previous records then yes they should've done a skin test but any reaction is likely to show within the next few hours and will be where the colour was applied its unlikely it would start by your lip I think you'll be ok tho if you've used a lot of colour on your hair in the past.

11-22-2013, 05:55 AM
well I was ok this morning everyone says they don't do skin tests but I thought they would of especially since this is the first time in two years I've had my hair done