View Full Version : Anxiety in conflict situations

Go To Sleep
01-14-2008, 10:38 AM
Hiya my names Henry, im currently 16 and in my first year of sixth form. Ive been a anxiety sufferer pretty much my whole life.

Ive been recently reading this forum and thinking alot of the stories on hear sound like my mum and her fear of us cutting up batteries, my little brother going to toilets alone in case of pedafiles.etc :roll:

Made some decent friends at primary school, shit kinda hit the fan when i went to a different Secondary school and made some pretty shit friends to start with who accelerated my anxiety.

Ive since managed to overcome my anxiety (pretty much had my social anxiety forced out of me by people at school :D ). Leaving my comfort zone still gets to me (such as starting a job, lolz) but a problem still remains.

When i get into conflict situations in which i know i am right i begin to sweat and shake, i cant coordinate myself properly. When im unable to stand up for what is right because of my Anxiety i feel like a coward and hate myself.etc

Has anyone experienced anything similar and know a way to overcome it?, as i said i overcame my other anxiety such as Agrophobia(sp?) through sheer self determination.

Im interested in trying meds just to see what its like to be free of anxiety.

Thanks in advance :)

The Melody of Rain
01-14-2008, 12:40 PM
Regular and vigorous exercise will normalise your adrenaline levels and lessen cortisol levels which is the hormone responsible for stress.

Your brain is currently programmed to release considerable amounts of adrenaline due to your experience of conflicts in the past, so by balancing your adrenaline with exercise you'll begin to experience conflict on a new, less anxious level.

I'd suggest swimming and cycling. Try it for a month, in the process of starting this myself.

01-14-2008, 01:30 PM
Heya yeah I don't operate too well in a crisis. I go to sixth form too! Upper 6th.

01-24-2008, 07:07 AM
i always find that if i'm freaked out i just go to the bathroom and touch my toes, stretch my neck and force a few yawns, i feel better, it's not much but it gets ya through, also good on ya for getting a job, i am in awe