View Full Version : Anger Anxiety

11-20-2013, 09:24 PM
During my psychology appointment, the physiologist mentioned that a lot of my anxiety is from suppressed anger. The problem is I feel that I cannot pin point my anger. Anyone else have this issue?

11-20-2013, 10:16 PM
To some extent I'd do. I tend to hold all my anger in and then explode and most of the time I can't pinpoint what I am so damn mad at

11-21-2013, 03:57 AM
Yeah I'm so angry sometimes and explode quick but never know why or why I have this short fuse

11-21-2013, 06:19 AM
Mine said the same thing. I bottle up my anger because I don't want to lose an argument

11-21-2013, 07:58 AM
I used to be frustrated and angry that I had anxiety in general. Kind of accepted it now as "my demon" and we all have our struggles. Alankay

11-21-2013, 09:25 AM
During my psychology appointment, the physiologist mentioned that a lot of my anxiety is from suppressed anger. The problem is I feel that I cannot pin point my anger. Anyone else have this issue?

I do understand you. I am angry also about things that I cannot control and keep happening to me. I reactive the serenity prayer. However, there days rougher than others, n I need to talk to nice, nurturing people,

11-21-2013, 10:09 AM
This is just an idea to think about, but all emotions get stored in our bodies. The liver seems to hold our anger. You may want to consider doing a liver cleanse to see if that breaks up some of the emotion for you. You can either get a little kit at a health food store or find a protocol from a naturopathic doctor. After the cleanse it may give you some clarity into the anger that you carry.

11-21-2013, 03:57 PM
I am an angry person. I am also an anxious person. But in my case my anger is not suppressed. I express it frequently. I have never thought of anger and anxiety as being related (but I'm sure they could be). I definitely see a connection between my anger and my depression though.

I seem to have kind of a generalized anger. I am literally angry at the world on some level. I need to do something about this because, not surprisingly, it's causing me problems!

What did your therapist suggest in the way of helpful ways to manage your suppressed anger?

11-21-2013, 08:56 PM
Thank you all for sharing. The appointment kind of ended on a low. Through our discussions I became quite anxious and agitated. I fear anger and it's a trigger for me right now. The psychologist said to take a few weeks to process and then next appointment we will discuss constructive tools to express anger. I will post after my next appointment. There was mention that being assertive can prevent some of the anger, so I am working on that for now.

11-21-2013, 09:51 PM
Hi lil, Sorry the session ended on a low. Anger is a very tricky emotion. I think your therapist is right that being assertive is a good strategy. That's something I need to work on too. I tend to be aggressive and confrontational in a very explosive way, which usually leads me to feel a great deal of remorse and self-hatred afterwards.

Have you been working with this therapist for a while? Hopefully you can email him/her between sessions and check in with them about how you're feeling.

Well done for tackling the thorny issue of anger! Let us know how things go at the next session.

12-11-2013, 08:24 PM
Hi lil, Sorry the session ended on a low. Anger is a very tricky emotion. I think your therapist is right that being assertive is a good strategy. That's something I need to work on too. I tend to be aggressive and confrontational in a very explosive way, which usually leads me to feel a great deal of remorse and self-hatred afterwards.

Have you been working with this therapist for a while? Hopefully you can email him/her between sessions and check in with them about how you're feeling.

Well done for tackling the thorny issue of anger! Let us know how things go at the next session.

I had my session today.... I always seem to feel good going into the session, but when I leave I feel sort of down. My therapist likes to push my buttons as I see it. I know it has to be done, but it is sure hard to work through at times. We are discovering that I have suppressed anger and sadness. Now I am learning these emotions and it is hard to break the suppression habits. It's hard because you just want to get better fast, but unfortunately this is a long process....