View Full Version : So humiliating!

11-20-2013, 07:31 PM
So I have had a phobia of the dentist when I was little and I swear to you, no matter how badly you think you handle the dentist, I handle it worse. >_< I've had to go regularly to the dentist for the past couple of years due to the fact that I need 11 root canals and 10 cavities filled. One of those root canals has turned into an extraction in the time since.

I've gotten all the cavities filled and about five of the root canals done, but two of my cavities have returned.

Anyway, it's been super horrible and humiliating. I've had panic attacks and stuff. And today, when he was drilling my teeth, the drill slipped AGAIN and cut into my gums really bad and it hurt and I was bleeding all over the place and sobbing hysterically because of it. The dentist had to leave the room until I calmed down and I had an out of body experience, which I am still having right now.

I have other intense stressers in my life, too, going on, and it just all makes me feel like I'm going to have a mental break down. Not to mention that I'm humiliated because I know I'm the most difficult patient in the world, but I don't want to be!

11-20-2013, 08:06 PM
Hey sweetypie, It's unbelievable that the dentist's drill slipped again. Is this the same dentist? Seriously, you have NO need to worry about being the worst patient in the world, it sounds much more like this guy is the worst dentist in the world. It is unforgivable that he injured you again!! I can't believe this (I mean, obviously, I believe you, but honestly, if this is the same dentist who injured you before then he really has no business practicing dentistry).

I'm so sorry you went through this but honestly, please go to a different dentist in future! It's no wonder you have a phobia after this. It's not your fault though, sweetypie. It is absolutely the fault of the dentist.

Hope your gum heals very soon.

11-20-2013, 08:09 PM
He said it's my fault because I swallow when I am getting drilled and my tongue moves the drill from the movement of swallowing.. >_< I could feel it happening the way he said, but how is this a real thing? Shouldn't they be prepared for this? I mean, really, how can people keep from swallowing at all during that amount of time? I always swallow more when I go to the dentist because all the water they are shooting in there and my nervousness makes me swallow more.

And yes, it's the same dentist!

11-20-2013, 08:36 PM
He said it's my fault because I swallow when I am getting drilled and my tongue moves the drill from the movement of swallowing.. >_< I could feel it happening the way he said, but how is this a real thing? Shouldn't they be prepared for this? I mean, really, how can people keep from swallowing at all during that amount of time? I always swallow more when I go to the dentist because all the water they are shooting in there and my nervousness makes me swallow more.

And yes, it's the same dentist!

That is outrageous!! Seriously. Outrageous!! OMG I feel like punching your dentist!! I really do. This is absolutely not your fault! And your dentist has no right telling you that it is! Any good dentist will be able to handle their patient swallowing repeatedly without slicing their gums open with his drill!!

I am also very nervous at the dentist and I absolutely swallow more because I'm nervous and also, as you say, because of that water they are constantly squirting into your mouth. But my dentist has never injured me with his drill. Ever. And I've actually never heard of this happening. I know that sometimes when they inject you the injection can damage a blood vessel and that can cause bruising and be painful afterwards, but that's totally different from cutting into your gum and making it bleed profusely!

I am so sorry you went through this again today!! Your dentist injuring you is bad enough, but then blaming you for it really takes the cake. I would not go back to this guy ever. I really hope you're able to go and see someone else. Many dentists specialize in nervous patients and have all kinds of tricks and ways of making the experience less traumatic (though admittedly, I do still find it traumatic!!).

Really hope you feel better soon. Please don't take any blame at all upon yourself over this! And please try and find a new dentist!!

11-20-2013, 09:33 PM
http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/angry/3d-mad.gif (http://www.sherv.net/emoticons.html) Outrageous in deed. I like to think I can keep it together, but that's crazy stuff. Somehow it does not surprise me, but still ... It's always easy for someone else to say what you should of done, but I get that you where already upset before that happening. Him leaving the room like that, kind of shows just how unprofessional the dentist is. Please do go to another dentist if possible, and be sure to stand you ground after you recovery from the experience. Seems like he tried to take advantage of you being so upset. Did you have a friend with.

Perhaps next time explain to a friend and see if they would not mind coming with you next time - even if just to wait outside for you. Getting a photo of the damage comes to my mind as well as refusing to expect blame - Like How Dare He ... Again , easy for me to say. I too am so sorry to hear about this. It can be so hard to trust people these days. I will often explain in advance that I suffer from anxiety and if I feel they do not respect that or me, I'll refuse their help - even when it's free help. The way some of these professionals treat people is disgusting. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

You did nothing wrong. Make sure you warn others if your able of this dentist. If Facebook was ever good for one thing - it's good for putting down business like that. See if they have a Facebook page - redirect those feelings of humiliation where it belongs. Deal with it as best you can then move as your able.

Wishing you the best.

11-20-2013, 10:14 PM
I have the same fear of dentists. I now go to a sedation dentist. Problem solved for me. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

11-21-2013, 04:35 AM
I have the same fear of dentists. I now go to a sedation dentist. Problem solved for me. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

^ Ah, yes, but then while sedated, imagine all the mistakes they make that you don't know about! Free reign on the teeth...I think that would be worse for me personally..

Sorry for this experience, Sweetypie. As Ponder already said, it would be a great idea to have someone with you. A little advocacy on your side is great. This Dentist you have sounds like a royal piece of work.. I don't think you are to be blamed for this; Even if you are the worst patient to deal with, he doesn't have to make you feel like that, like it was your fault and then leave the room. Sounds unprofessional to me.

I hope you don't go back..there are so many Dentists, it wouldn't be too hard to find a new and better one if you can given you have so much more work left on your teeth.

11-21-2013, 04:42 AM
^ Ah, yes, but then while sedated, imagine all the mistakes they make that you don't know about! Free reign on the teeth...I think that would be worse for me

^ It's even scarier if your dentist also doubles up as a plastic surgeon :O

Your Dentist shouldn't have really said that. I mean, regardless of who actually was to blame, it was bad patient care for a start. Sounds like his trying to cover a lack of skill. Like the guys above have said, so many dentists out there, some are really great at working with kids, and nervous patients and stuff. You aren't the worst patient in the world, and who even cares if you were. You pay their salary ;) bosses aren't meant to be nice!

11-21-2013, 04:56 AM
I have panic attacks at the dentist too . For a 24 year old male i look stupid. You're dentist seems like an ass i would get change somehow :) , Good luck to you and you're teeth!

11-21-2013, 06:18 AM
Dentists are generally good but it's the fact that you can't see or feel what's going on that scares me.

Hope your mouth heals

11-21-2013, 12:46 PM
Someone always goes with me, honestly. I can't handle it alone. It's usually my fiance, but this last time, it was my Mom. She said at the time that the blood in my mouth and tongue scared her when his hand slipped. She was hugging me when the dentist left the room.

And my fiance and my Mom have seen this same dentist and they don't understand why his hand has slipped with me because it never happened to either of them. My fiance says that it's no wonder I get so many phobias because of the weird things that happen to me. Of course, I've had more work done than them, so I guess he had more of a chance to mess up with me.

I honestly want to see a sedation dentist, but because I need so much work done in my mouth, I've been seeing a regular dentist. I can't afford to pay for all the work to be done all at once and with a sedation dentist, it's better to only be put to sleep once.

11-21-2013, 01:43 PM
I'm 26 and I hadn't been to the dentist in eight years until two weeks ago when I broke my teeth. I was a nut about it. The worst ppart is I knew it was ridiculous to be scared. But I panicked and cried almost passed out. They probably hate me there haha. You're not alone. Its terrifying. My parents laughed at me when I came home and hid in my room after Lol. If bringing someone with you makes you feel better who cares. Do it.