View Full Version : Got to the bottom of things

11-20-2013, 11:46 AM
I have had chest pain for 2 months and it been getting me down

So when i was doing my hair today I noticed I couldn't hold my pony tail anymore my arm was in pain and went i let it down the pressure and aching pain was unreal and soon after the breathlessness and chest pain started

So I gathered it had something to do with my shoulder I popped to see my gp who has said I have a frozen shoulder going for an x-ray to see I I can have a injection or just tablets

I have been back and forward for 2 months about this and been told it was my anxiety when it really hasn't been and now it's got so bad I can't do my hair properly

Glad I have found out tho

11-20-2013, 12:30 PM
I'm so sorry you are in pain, but I'm so glad there was an explanation (and hopefully, a solution) to your problem!! That makes it easier to hope it'll be gone soon, and also hopefully less anxious about the things you think it MIGHT be.

11-20-2013, 01:33 PM
Did the anxiety cause the frozen shoulder? Just wondering. Anxiety is to blame for all things on here. Even global warming :p

Yeah, it's really hard to know when something's anxiety, and when a symptom is genuinely being caused by something being up. Really does pay to stay calm and just be attentive, huh! It's good you had the intuition to put a few pieces together and get an answer.

When's your X-ray?

11-20-2013, 01:41 PM
That a good question I have had the chest pain since my first panic attack where I was so tense my whole body went into involuntary shaking but I am lead to believe a frozen shoulder happens over time so maybe me being so tense has caused it to get worse who knows?

I have to wait for an appointnent because frozen shoulder is not urgent (it will be urgent when I can't do my hair for my nan's 80th on Saturday)