View Full Version : Can anyone shed some light

11-20-2013, 01:45 AM
So before I go into a blind panic and book an appointment with the doctor

Can anyone shed light on kidney failure (I have not googled this) I noticed last night I am not drinking enough as all day yesterday I went all day without having a drink at all untill 7:30pm I had been awake since 6:45am

By the time I had went to bed at 10:45pm I had drank 2 and half pints of pineapple juice and when I went to the toilet (sorry if TMI) I didn't have a very big wee for everything I had drank

So I thought this morning I would really need the loo and I didn't at all, I don't need to the toilet at all I am starting to worry about it

Can anyone help?

11-20-2013, 02:28 AM
This often happens in winter. We often don't drink as much and get a bit dehydrated, then when we do drink, our body just absorbs a lot of it, and it doesn't flush out as fast.

I didn't drink much for a couple of days, had a sore throat, when it went, I drank about 3 massive glasses of Ribena, it was like I hadn't drunk.

This is especially true if you're taking any meds, they often can be slightly dehydrating.

Have you had a blood test recently? They usually check for signs of poor organ health. If it came back good, then, well, you know the rest :)

Kidney failure is a pretty big deal. Usually you KNOW when something's up with those bad boys!

Great discipline not googling too ;)

11-20-2013, 02:32 AM
I have been on the verge of googling it haha

This is was reality was telling me that my body had just absorbed it because it needed it

I have health anxiety so I obviously thought of the worst first before reality was trying to push through

Thank you for your reply

11-20-2013, 02:45 AM
Anytime :)

11-20-2013, 02:52 AM
Hi - I have had this condition before. Kidney failure / Acute Renal Failure. There can be many causes:


Muscle cramps where my first sign - I however went down with this condition due to over training and having no rest days. I don't have an off button when I exercise - therefore my system built up with so much lactic acid that my kidneys shut down and my urine color went to cola (black urine) I was picked up of the side of the road by an ambulance. Believe it or not - a went to the doctors the day before complainant of extreme muscle cramps - he thought all I needed was some pills and has not tests done on me. I ended up in hospital for several days and almost died on the side of the road or was on the verge of blacking out from the extreme pain. I was screaming at the top of my lungs - my gums where bluish and face white. I was told by one nurse how lucky I was that I got to the hospital before complete failure.

Again there are many causes - check out those links above. There are signs you learn to look for and you can always request a CK test from a doctor if you feel your kidneys are not functioning properly. I still suffer the condition if I exert myself too much and drink tap water - Tap Water is really a no no these days no matter where you live. I've been told to drink as clean as water possible and to expect skeletal cramps to continue in the future under certain conditions.

That's all I know about it. Keep well hydrated and learn how to read the color of your urine. Learn about flushing your system with healthy eating and drinking.

Best of luck with it. ;)

11-20-2013, 03:02 AM
Wow Ponder, really interesting post.

Like with a lot of things, you always need that bit of luck to avoid disaster. Like your nurse said, could have been so much worse. Thankfully things worked out relatively ok in the end, given the circumstances!! (I.e. You're still here to share your tales!)