View Full Version : Iis there anyway to get past this?

11-19-2013, 06:25 PM
Hey guys/girls, im new to the forums. I just joined tonight because im having immense trouble understanding how to accept the fact that life may not be eternal. My dad had a massive heart-attack when I was in the 2nd grade; I'm 23 now. Ever since that day I made up my mind that I cant live without him on this earth with me. His health is declining steadily and I know some day he will be gone forever. This realization makes my life feel pointless, like nothing I do matters because in the end we become dust in the wind. I feel like this isn't real. Nothing makes sense anymore. I used to love being active lifting weights and getting lean. I used to think of ways to make my life better; now I couldn't care less. I don't have the passion or confidence to accomplish anything. I've been binging on food and treating others around me in ways that they don't deserve. I don't know how to find joy and excitement anymore as the thoughts of my dad dying and rotting into the ground haunt me everyday. I cant relax, its one of the first things that come to mind every morning. I'm just looking for input or guidance on how to cope with this if anyone out there has dealt with these same feelings.

11-19-2013, 08:51 PM
Well I feel very strongly that there is a life after this one that we cannot imagine or understand. It is beyond our comphrension. We are all in the same boat. All that lived, lives or will live dies and well............it is OK. Make the most of it in all ways positive. Alankay