View Full Version : Flight Anxiety / Claustrophia

11-19-2013, 04:37 PM
I travel or have travelled quite a bit in my life via air. This year alone I've had over 30+ flight segments, including a couple 13+ hour flights. The thing is, no matter how much I fly, how much Xanax I take, how long I've been on Zoloft, I always, always get anxiety pre-flight up to the moment when we're in the air. To the point, I've actually walked off of planes prior to them closing the doors. It's not the aircraft that scares me or gives me anxiety, it's the fact that I'm locked into a tiny tube for a given period of time and I have no freedom to get out when I want. I'm trapped in this little space. Once I'm in the air, I'm fairly good at distracting myself with my PSP gaming system or my Ipad; but simple music or a movie won't work. It has to be something fast paced, like a game so I have to give all of my concentration to it. Once I'm free to move about the cabin, I'm less stressed because I can at least move around. I also have bad acid reflux, which with this anxiety becomes unbelievably bad. Not to be too graphic, but for the first 20 minutes that I'm in that seat, I'm spitting up bile and or whatever I ate or drank and it's PURE HELL....

I've tried taking .50 mg of Xanax the night before and then again 45 minutes prior to take off; but it has little to no affect on me. I don't know why I feel like this, other than the feeling of being trapped. Like if something happens, they won't land or even let me off. Like I'm locked in this tiny plane. What if I have trouble breathing? What if I have a panic attack mid flight? What if? I realize I'm 100% healthy and fine; but I can't seem to convince my mind. There's not doubt to me that this is all on my head; but I literally can't turn it off.

I would give anything to overcome this as I absolutely love to travel. It's my passion and I can't participate. It seems to get worse the more and more I travel.

Other notables: I get very panicky in traffic that is moving very slowly or at a stand still. I'm constantly surveying for a quick exit. I hate taking elevators, especially in places that seem sketchy or where I feel like no one will be available to help in the event the elevator stops. I struggle when I'm in big open spaces far away from any major city center. I play a lot of mind games with myself. Basically, I don't like feeling closed in spaces....Claustrophobic or being far from a possible medical site....Agoraphobia. My mother says she has these issues too to some extent, but I can't remember growing up feeling like this. It's only hit me in my last 10 years. Probably around age 24-25.

If anyone has any advice, I would be so happy to hear it as I have a flight in December. HOUSTON-WASHINGTON DC-BURLINGTON,VT and back.....Dreading it....

11-21-2013, 11:40 AM

12-04-2013, 02:01 AM
I have no idea what to say to help, because well.. I'm in the same situation.. And I'd love to know how to help it. I'm in a long distance relationship, he is a 10.5 hr plane flight away.. I never knew a panic attack until the one I had a week ago when I was leaving my partner to get on the plane home, my god I thought I was going to die.