View Full Version : How can it be Anxiety?

11-19-2013, 01:13 PM

I have a son that's just turned 2 and since being pregnant I have not felt right mentally. I didn't go to a Doctor over fear of what would happen and I dealt with it as best I could. I'm pretty sure I had postnatal depression and anxiety, but I know I shouldn't diagnose myself. I do have a lot of symptoms of anxiety, but they were terrible up until recently. The smallest thing could set me off into panic mode and I couldn't breath and my heart would be pounding. For the rest of the day I would feel ill. This happened only when I was left alone with my son which was a lot!

I get lightheaded and weak once in a while. I smoke and drink a lot of tea which doesn't help.

My partner left his job a few months ago and does most of the work with our son now and I feel way more relaxed, so I was quite confused the other day when I was told I most likely have anxiety. It started a week ago when I woke up with heart palpitations. I do get them once in a while for seemingly no reason, but they lasted all day this time which was unusual. I went to my Dr who did all the tests and told me he would call me in a few weeks for an ECG (Heart tracing) and that he found nothing wrong with me and I'd have to have a blood test and wait for the results. I saw a different Dr the next day and he said the same thing. A few days later I felt unwell and went to A&E. I had an ECG and they said my heart was fine. Then a consultant checked me over for ages and said she couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. She could tell that I was uncomfortable and worried and my partner explained that I am like that a lot. She asked about my pregnancy and how hard it's been with my son and came to the conclusion that I have anxiety. I have to wear a heart monitor for 24hrs to be 100% certain, but she thinks it will come back with nothing.

I feel very lightheaded and ill right now and I actually feel less worried than I have in almost 3 years so I'm wondering why it would flare up like this now when I feel like everything is fine! Although being ill for the last week has made me worry again. Does this sound like an anxiety? How can it make me feel so ill physically?

11-19-2013, 01:23 PM
I have felt terrible all day and great once my partner walked through the door I have health anxiety and if I feel a little niggle etc i freak out when it's just me and my daughter

Main reason being she had just turned 3 and I haven't taught her to call 999 yet because she would just do it all the time so when I feel like there is something wrong I freak and I always think about her being left on her own until late at night when my partner finishes work

I think it's a comfort thing aswell knowing there's someone around

Have you started to worry about something being more wrong or just worried in general?

11-19-2013, 01:34 PM
Hey, I haven't been worried about anything in a while. Things that would usually bother me are not anymore. I definitely worry less with my partner around, but the feeling ill is worse.

It must feel horrible thinking she'll be alone all day or calling the police when you aren't looking.

11-19-2013, 01:35 PM
I've also started drinking decaf tea and smoking less which doesn't seem to help.

11-19-2013, 01:40 PM
I still get a bit funny after decaf aswell I smoke and electronic cig I suppose it still stimulates but I wouldn't imagine as much

11-19-2013, 02:44 PM
It doesn't need to be a mental thing at all .

You said that you have not worried about things for a while but yet you say that you have been putting up with this for a while . Is that not enough to keep you stressed out ?

The problem is when we have a problem and solely believe that it is a mental thing then we start to adjust our lives to it and it becomes a burden to our lives causing more and more stress .

Mental illness is NOT a purely mental problem and involves the body as a whole and that is what needs treating .

your story reminds me of Brooke shields . See if you can get her book and it might help know what she went though . Also another good book that will help is Dr Weekes Hope and help for your nerves .

Well, I feel that all the stress I've suffered has affected my body and my health. I've not felt healthy since being pregnant. I kind of want someone to say "Yes this sounds like its caused by an an anxiety" or "this is not what anxiety is".

I am interested to know more about Brooke. I will be having a look around for her book. Thank you guys for replying. :)