View Full Version : Is it benign or something more sinister?

11-19-2013, 11:15 AM
Since having panic disorder and anxiety I have noticed a ton of skipped beats. Some days none, some days multiples... I have had 2 ecgs which came back normal both done during a panic attack, most recent being the end of August.

Today I was standing up and had this feeling that my heart was literally paused, kinda felt like an air bubble also... I tried coughing a few times as that normally helps me but it didn't.

I then could feel my panic rising as in a this is it feeling. I have been concerned that it could be something more... Mitral valve prolapse, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, etc... I have a doctors appointment Thursday morning which can not come soon enough!

11-19-2013, 12:25 PM
I was having some of these same symptoms all of the time. I went to a cardiologist and had an ultrasound, and a treadmill stress test (both things terrified me!!), and they came back normal. I have been on a med for almost two months now, and let me tell you something - I don't feel any of it anymore. I know it sounds crazy, but I have not had abnormal heart feelings for weeks. I am very happy about it, but still on guard, waiting for it to happen. I know how you feel, and it ended up being "JUST ANXIETY" (lol) for me. I hope that is the case for you hun!

11-19-2013, 12:40 PM
I get ectopic beats pretty much all day. They are terrifying. But believe me I have done every heart related examination in existance MORE than once. All came back normal. Its anxiety, its stress, its the things you eat, its the weather, its your hormones, its stomach issues.. it can be anything.
Over time you get used to them no matter how unpleasant they feel. Those skipped beats are the absolute worst. Once you train yourself not to panic when your heart is beating funny, they will eventually go away.

A proper physical consultation should always be done first though.

Take care :)

11-19-2013, 01:43 PM
I get ectopic beats pretty much all day. They are terrifying. But believe me I have done every heart related examination in existance MORE than once. All came back normal. Its anxiety, its stress, its the things you eat, its the weather, its your hormones, its stomach issues.. it can be anything.
Over time you get used to them no matter how unpleasant they feel. Those skipped beats are the absolute worst. Once you train yourself not to panic when your heart is beating funny, they will eventually go away.

A proper physical consultation should always be done first though.

Take care :)

I normally have them where they pause and then thud hard, but today was more of a pause and nothing... I literally felt like my heart was stopping. Is it normal to feel them in different ways? I am going to try and ask my Dr to do some more testing, but most of the time they always say "It's anxiety"