View Full Version : Sorry I Disappeared! ~or~ An Update!

11-19-2013, 10:15 AM
Hello guys. I'm really sorry I've been off the forum for a while. As you know, my sister passed away the end of September. Then mid-October we traveled to bury her ashes. Meanwhile, I had started on Wellbutrin. A lot going on!!! It's been a real adventure of a month. I don't feel anxious on a daily basis anymore! There are other symptoms I've been dealing with from the med. My stomach, which had been fine initially, is now a wreck. I still clench my jaw. But my sleep issue has improved. My gums are sore though. So, some good, some bad. lol I am taking the Wellbutrin SR, and I have a request into my doctor to try the XL, as it is a time-release. I'm thinking that version will be easier on my stomach. Here's hoping! Mentally, there are many things that are a lot better. It is easier to concentrate, and I feel more awake/alert. Even when I feel bad, I don't feel really anxious, and I don't feel hopeless. These are such good things for me. Anyway, I am back. I had to retreat inside my head for a while. Hope everyone is doing well!! xo

11-19-2013, 10:22 AM
I clench my jaw and my stomach has become really bad since taking meds I just hope I haven't developed and ulcer

11-19-2013, 10:51 AM
Yes, but is your anxiety any better? What med are you taking?

11-19-2013, 11:32 AM
I still have my good and bad days like today has been a bad day

11-19-2013, 11:50 AM
Meds made my tummy hurt too.

11-19-2013, 11:56 AM
Welcome back! I hope you managed to find a really nice spot for you sisters ashes.

Sounds like the meds are beginning to work. Could be the start of an upward spiral now. Often it's just that getting off of the bottom that's so hard. Once you get a foothold, you finally begin to see the light in it all. Perhaps you see it, as your post does have a more positive feel to it.

Seeing as like 80% of Serotonin is made in your stomach, these meds can often upset it for a while. That's also why anxiety causes stomach pains. Not only are there stress issues to deal with in the gut, but serotonin irregulation too. Never easy on that area of the body.

I can only say in theory, having never tried Wellbutrin, but the timed release should be easier, definitely worth trying if you feel the current set up needs improvement.

I hope you keep making gains anyway. See ya around stranger ;)

11-19-2013, 12:18 PM
Thanks jessed! ;) Yes, she is buried with all of our grandparents.

I didn't think about the serotonin being the source of the issue in either case, but that makes perfect sense. I just don't want to end up with an ulcer over the med. I have lost 13 pounds since the beginning of October! It's a good and a bad thing. I don't want to lose too much. I am definitely feeling more positive. I am just hoping to solve this problem. My doctor's office has said they will fill the XL, so I am going to try it tomorrow. Hopefully, by next week, I'll be feeling better. :)

11-19-2013, 01:34 PM
Hey you!! Good to see you!! Really glad to hear that the Wellbutrin is helping so much overall. Hopefully switching to the XR will ease your tummy troubles!

11-20-2013, 10:52 AM
Hey you! :) I just started it today. So far, I feel like I stuck my finger in a socket, but let's hope it eases as the day goes on. lol
Stomach feels ok though!

11-20-2013, 11:58 AM
Hey you! :) I just started it today. So far, I feel like I stuck my finger in a socket, but let's hope it eases as the day goes on. lol
Stomach feels ok though!

LOL!!! Oh dear, that does not sound too good!! (Sorry to laugh, I really know how serious this is and how miserable side effects etc are, but I did have to laugh at the imaginative image you conjured up!! But you know I'm not laughing "at" anything, I'm laughing "with" you!!!!)

I don't have any experience with Wellbutrin but I'm sure some others here do and hopefully they can share some positive stories. Really hope you get used to the extended release version quickly and feel better again!

11-20-2013, 12:24 PM
No, no, believe me, I can laugh at myself, and DO quite often!! :) If we can't have a sense of humor, it's hard to see the light, isn't it?

Thanks hun!