View Full Version : Have you Ever Wondered....

11-19-2013, 05:52 AM
Have you ever wondered how people, say, 100 years ago dealt with issues like we all have? Wow, I cannot imagine living in 1900 with an anxiety disorder. I would imagine that some people with severe anxiety would be deemed "insane" and locked away in a ward somewhere. Or even today in third world countries, I am sure there are people untreated and suffering.

My grandmother suffered from depression or anxiety most of her adult life.. She first started getting "ill" in the 1960's or so. Back then the doctors would just prescribe sedatives to basically knock you out. They didn't know what else to do. I remember going to visit her as a child and she would be in bed with a ton of pill bottles on her night stand. I used to joke around about how she was crazy, but today I no longer do that. I understand how she felt completely. It makes me sad to think about how there wasn't much good help back then.

My point is I am grateful I live in a first world country in 2013. We have lots of medication options, lots of scientific research and lots of doctors who understand. So when you're feeling blue next time, think about how lucky you are to have communities like this as well as more effective treatment options.

11-19-2013, 07:40 AM
I totally agree with you!

11-19-2013, 01:44 PM
I agree, but I also think there is still a lot of work to be done. Many people continue to suffer today because so little is still known about the workings of the brain and, particularly, about mental illness.

A lot of folks do not respond to anti-depressant therapy. And suicide continues to be a huge problem. So there is still much that needs to be done to help people with mental illness!