View Full Version : Anxiety attack

11-18-2013, 07:23 PM
I'm going crazy here. My doc increased my Lexapro last week and I keep having panic attacks now. I'm having one right now.

Was standing in class and felt my heart go funny. Now I'm shaking, feel like I'm not breathing, face is red, feel pressure in my head, and like I'm dying in general.

I understand panic attacks. But I'm stuck in class and can't leave. For another 40 minutes. I think that is contributing.

Any advice?

11-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Hi Steph, Sorry that happened. I hope you're feeling better by now. If it were me, I would go to the restroom and perhaps splash a little cold water on my face and maybe walk around for a bit. Even go outside in the fresh air for a moment. I would drink some water too.

Really hope your body adjusts to the Lexapro increase soon and you go back to being panic-free again!

11-18-2013, 08:53 PM
Relax all your the muscles or your head, neck, jaw and shoulders and breath slowly and keep relaxing. With proper breathing and muscle relaxation the adrenaline should stop flowing. Alankay

11-19-2013, 05:40 AM
I'm going crazy here. My doc increased my Lexapro last week and I keep having panic attacks now. I'm having one right now.

Was standing in class and felt my heart go funny. Now I'm shaking, feel like I'm not breathing, face is red, feel pressure in my head, and like I'm dying in general.

I understand panic attacks. But I'm stuck in class and can't leave. For another 40 minutes. I think that is contributing.

Any advice?

Get up and leave the class. Just walk out calmly and go to the restroom. While there do what you have to do to feel better. Cry, pace, splash water on your face, scream if you need to. I do this type of thing sometimes when i get panic attacks in public. I find a "safe place" and let it all out. There's no need to sit in that class and suffer.

If need be, inform the professor after class privately that you deal with this issue and let him/her know that sometimes you might have to walk out occasionally. Most people are understanding of things like this.