View Full Version : Help with this please

11-18-2013, 05:41 PM
Hey guys i wanna know if anyone expenrince this i get left arm pain then stops then by my heart area i get discomfort,achy dull pain, sharp pains that last for a little comes n goes ..then i get back pain same side as heart it stops then i get neck pain...everyone is telling its a muscle spazms or a nerve i had my heart checked out 5 months ago and rverything is good so i dunno if anyone feels like that and when its comes on it makes me panic an it gets worse...i hope someone here feels the same :(. Thanks for the help guys!!!

11-18-2013, 06:29 PM
Anyone? Can help me

11-18-2013, 06:40 PM
Pains like that can really scare the crap out of us health anxiety worries over here.. I say you did the most important thing by getting checked out. You are officially okay, so now it's up to you to try and keep your brain in check whenever you feel that pain.

Obviously our brains jump to that conclusion of bad stuff happening, but I can nearly assure you that you are fine.. :) Those pains are common with me, the dull aches in the arm, chest. The sharp ones..a bit of variety in there to keep my brain second guessing myself.. it really helps to not feed the fear... Your chest pain could be nerve related or anxiety related or some other reason (not to scare you! It helps to remember you got checked out and it's nothing catastrophic)..point is that you feel it and it makes you worry and that worry makes it worse. Deep breath and stay calm--easier said than done, but you'll be okay.. :)

11-18-2013, 07:03 PM
Well i gotta look at it this way too if it was something bad it would have happen already i been like this for almost 3 months so its gotta be a muscle or nerve damage i dont think its a heart problem my friend said if was a heart attack u wouldnt be able too move think of it that way!!

11-18-2013, 07:07 PM
^ Yea ! I usually try to laugh off the pain and say that I must be dying from the longest heart attack in the world :P

11-18-2013, 07:19 PM
Yea lol its so crazy tho!! But when it happens our anxiety makes it worse then what it is then we panic and then it lasts the longest ever lol 😜 well your right im not gonna even worry about it anymore and just laugh when it comes on!!!

11-19-2013, 06:14 AM
Hey guys i wanna know if anyone expenrince this i get left arm pain then stops then by my heart area i get discomfort,achy dull pain, sharp pains that last for a little comes n goes ..then i get back pain same side as heart it stops then i get neck pain...everyone is telling its a muscle spazms or a nerve i had my heart checked out 5 months ago and rverything is good so i dunno if anyone feels like that and when its comes on it makes me panic an it gets worse...i hope someone here feels the same :(. Thanks for the help guys!!!

No one here is a doctor so it wouldn't be prudent for us to make a "diagnosis." I can say when I get anxiety attacks, my symptoms fluctuate. Sometimes I get just a pounding heart beat over 130. Sometimes my heart beat is normal, but I get chest pains. Sometimes I have no pain and no heart pounding but I start shaking uncontrollably. Sometimes the symptoms are mixed. It's strange.

What really helped me was when one of the ER doctors (after like my 5th visit) told me "Son, if you were having a heart attack all these times, then you would be dead a long time ago." I thought "you know he's right, there's no way I would have survived this many heart attacks in a row."