View Full Version : what do you miss most?

11-18-2013, 02:43 PM
What is it that you miss doing most before anxiety kicked in?
For me its being able to go on an airplane without stressing that I wont be able to get off whenever I want or stressing that I'll have a heart attack. Being able to travel.. go backpacking..go hiking..go places on my own..
I miss being fearless. Feeling like nothing can kill me. I miss being in control of my emotions.

Think about what you miss most that you feel you are unable to do now..
Think about it and use those things to motivate you to conquer all your fears.
One day you will be the person you once were. With one major difference.
You will be stronger than you ever were.

11-18-2013, 02:45 PM
I miss going out with friends u have chose to give my christmas party a miss this year because I am scared of taking an attack

11-18-2013, 02:53 PM
Yes.. that i miss too.I think everyone can relate to this. The fear of going out or being in public incase a panic attack comes on. You can train yourself to cut a panic attack short as soon as you feel one coming along. I just let out a loooouuudd screeeech and do 5 mins of vigorous exercises. Obviously this isnt doable when ur out in public say at the cinema :p but in instances like that just excuse yourself and go to a toilet or a private area and do some deep breathing for 10 mins.

11-18-2013, 08:14 PM
I miss having the motivation to get out of my house, or even bed. I used to not focus so much on all this stuff and just enjoy life. I don't do that so much anymore, and it's really depressing and scary. I worry about my health non-stop, and I am not enjoying my life while I can.

I also miss not feeling like I need to see or speak to a doctor about every little symptom, or perceived group of symptoms.

11-18-2013, 08:40 PM
I miss feeling normal. I know that I'm not normal anymore, I look around and my family is moving on and I am frozen. Frozen with thoughts of my heart is having palpitations,
or my chest is rattling, or I feel dizzy. All I want to do is lay down. My once ocd household has things laying around it, laundry half done, not me, not who I was. I am missing
out on life. I feel its getting worse and worse. I just want to stay home, not go to work, and just sleep. I started meds, but had to go with half the dose because it was too strong. Its okay, but I can feel it, like I feel it clouding my mind. I just want to be the person I used to be.

11-19-2013, 06:01 AM
I miss being able to relax. Literally, just to relax, lay on my sofa and watch a movie or read a book. I can't even do that now. There is always some trigger. If I watch TV and see someone die, I freak out. If I see someone in the hospital I freak out and start ruminating about what perceived illnesses I might have.

When I was younger, I never had this issue whatsoever. I could watch anything without problems. I could go anywhere and feel good. I could get on a plane and fly across the ocean and not be nervous one bit. I could go to out of the way places with no hospital for miles and not care. Now when I go somewhere I need to know where the nearest hospital is. When I step outside and look up in the sky, I often see planes flying and it freaks me out just looking at them. I start thinking "what if it crashes?"

All of these thoughts and fears are irrational and I KNOW they are irrational, but it still doesn't make them less real. The question I have is what causes them? What happened in my life (or in my brain) to bring all of this nonsense on?

11-19-2013, 06:02 AM
Coffee. It still kinda makes my heart a little jumpy :)

11-19-2013, 06:33 AM
One thing I miss is watching horror movies. for some reason when a horror movie comes on I can feel the anxiety kick in, so I have to change the channel. I used to be such a horror freak...

11-19-2013, 07:37 AM
I miss being able to relax. Literally, just to relax, lay on my sofa and watch a movie or read a book. I can't even do that now. There is always some trigger. If I watch TV and see someone die, I freak out. If I see someone in the hospital I freak out and start ruminating about what perceived illnesses I might have.

When I was younger, I never had this issue whatsoever. I could watch anything without problems. I could go anywhere and feel good. I could get on a plane and fly across the ocean and not be nervous one bit. I could go to out of the way places with no hospital for miles and not care. Now when I go somewhere I need to know where the nearest hospital is. When I step outside and look up in the sky, I often see planes flying and it freaks me out just looking at them. I start thinking "what if it crashes?"

All of these thoughts and fears are irrational and I KNOW they are irrational, but it still doesn't make them less real. The question I have is what causes them? What happened in my life (or in my brain) to bring all of this nonsense on?

^^^I could of written this post. I used to be so carefree and spontaneous......I used to have so much fun....now I sometimes feel that my life is just passing me by while I'm always here at home.

11-19-2013, 10:04 AM
I miss being able to feel joy .
Miss going out with my children .
Miss my job .
Miss being able to go to the gym . Miss all of my life really that's all gone .

11-19-2013, 12:12 PM
Its actually so crazy how accurate all your responses are to how I feel everyday. We are all in the same boat. But it is a 100% possible to be the way you used to be + perhaps a little bit extra cautious and a hint more paranoid. But to think that back in 2011 I wasnt able to leave my room for an entire month to now end of 2013 where I go out every few days. . Its a long slow recovery.. but recovery is at the end of this long road. It takes so much determination. You must not give up on yourself.

Oh godd how I miss coffee.. havent had coffee for years..
Same with the horror movies.. going to the gym.. relaxing.. doing normal things.. those things are all taxing. Theres constant worry.
I also miss going to concerts. Being right there in the middle of the crowd. Without flipping out trying to find the nearest exit or toilet..

11-19-2013, 12:20 PM
I miss coffee. But even more than that, BEER! lol
Definitely miss being able to relax. I took it for granted when I was younger!