View Full Version : Natural Remedies

11-18-2013, 08:48 AM
Any remedies for anxiety/panic? Some tips eould b good. Im done with meds! One day on paxil and heart is beating out my chest and shaking

11-18-2013, 09:07 AM
Yeah, they do aggravate anxiety at first! Every single time I tried an ssri I had nasty nasty anxiety attacks. In their defence (to be devils advocate here ) after a few weeks, I did feel better, and was happy I stuck at them. What's happening is a kinda normal part of taking them sadly, and often, it does get a lot better.

Anyway, I get why you don't wanna take them. If your anxiety isn't too severe, St Johns Wort does a similar job, and is non medicinal. I'd recommend going the serotonin route first, with something simple to accompany it, such as chamomille tea. Start basically :) See how it makes you feel for a little while, then add/ change some stuff. I mean, there are herbs, and they are pretty good, but I dunno, improving serotonin like St Johns Wort aims to do, just seems a more logical and lasting place to start.

11-18-2013, 09:42 AM
Yeah, they do aggravate anxiety at first! Every single time I tried an ssri I had nasty nasty anxiety attacks. In their defence (to be devils advocate here ) after a few weeks, I did feel better, and was happy I stuck at them. What's happening is a kinda normal part of taking them sadly, and often, it does get a lot better.

Anyway, I get why you don't wanna take them. If your anxiety isn't too severe, St Johns Wort does a similar job, and is non medicinal. I'd recommend going the serotonin route first, with something simple to accompany it, such as chamomille tea. Start basically :) See how it makes you feel for a little while, then add/ change some stuff. I mean, there are herbs, and they are pretty good, but I dunno, improving serotonin like St Johns Wort aims to do, just seems a more logical and lasting place to start.

Thanks jessed. Its been over a half hour and im still feeling crappy. Ill have to try that cuz i cant handle the effects at all. I just wana cry right now

11-18-2013, 01:13 PM
Hi chewie, I'm really sorry the Paxil didn't work out!

I hope that going a natural route with St Johns Wort and chamomile tea will help! For some reason I've never liked any kind of tea, black tea or herbal tea or anything like that. But I do have some passionflower supplements which a naturopathic doctor recommended to me a while back. And I found them quite helpful for day to day anxiety. They aren't effective if you're having an actual panic attack, but they can help with a lower level, generalized anxiety. And they can help with sleep too. So that could be something else to try. You should be able to buy these supplements at any good natural food store. (Or you can buy passionflower tea as well).

Hope you feel better soon!

11-19-2013, 01:30 AM
First id recommend a book called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. Its packed full of natural alternatives and all sorts of awesome information.

To name a few supplements. Natural Calm Magnesium is excellent. Rescue Remedy is good to carry around in your pocket for quick use. Besides that the possibilities are endless you just need to find what works best for you. L-Theanine, Taurine, Glycine, Inositol, Gaba, are just a few to check out.

Id say go buy the book as your first step. The Natural Calm and Rescue Remedy is what I'd buy first also. Once you read the book you'll have a better idea at what might work for you. I have a wealth of knowledge as far as natural remedies go and id love to help you out.

11-19-2013, 10:12 AM
First id recommend a book called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. Its packed full of natural alternatives and all sorts of awesome information.

To name a few supplements. Natural Calm Magnesium is excellent. Rescue Remedy is good to carry around in your pocket for quick use. Besides that the possibilities are endless you just need to find what works best for you. L-Theanine, Taurine, Glycine, Inositol, Gaba, are just a few to check out.

Id say go buy the book as your first step. The Natural Calm and Rescue Remedy is what I'd buy first also. Once you read the book you'll have a better idea at what might work for you. I have a wealth of knowledge as far as natural remedies go and id love to help you out.

Thanks I will look into that

11-19-2013, 12:51 PM
Herbal remedies and aromatherapy worked better for me than medications for relieving anxiety.
Would have never made it through these past few years without meditation, massages, yoga, aromatherapy and herbal supplements and teas. Anxiety is spiritual unease. Put your mind at ease by untensing your muscles, clearing your mind and connecting to your inner self. The stressors of every day life may not always be evident but are eating away at us constantly and even when youre feeling perfectly content you can be hit my a sudden wave of panic totally out of the blue.
Or is it really out of the blue?
No. Panic builds. It can take a week or more for the panic to build itself and when it has reached boiling point all is released during a panic attack. Its a prehistoric defense mechanism. To aid us against sabre tooths and flying Dinosaurs. Nowadays they come in the form of bosses, deadlines at work and bad break ups.

11-19-2013, 12:58 PM
Thanks I will look into that

Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

11-19-2013, 01:03 PM
Herbal remedies and aromatherapy worked better for me than medications for relieving anxiety.
Would have never made it through these past few years without meditation, massages, yoga, aromatherapy and herbal supplements and teas. Anxiety is spiritual unease. Put your mind at ease by untensing your muscles, clearing your mind and connecting to your inner self. The stressors of every day life may not always be evident but are eating away at us constantly and even when youre feeling perfectly content you can be hit my a sudden wave of panic totally out of the blue.
Or is it really out of the blue?
No. Panic builds. It can take a week or more for the panic to build itself and when it has reached boiling point all is released during a panic attack. Its a prehistoric defense mechanism. To aid us against sabre tooths and flying Dinosaurs. Nowadays they come in the form of bosses, deadlines at work and bad break ups.

Great post from my girl VH..