View Full Version : Was doin so well then.......

11-18-2013, 07:18 AM
So ive been doin really well with my anxiety and havent been payin attention to the pains now and again

And then the doctors phoned me and told me my scan as showed a ovarian cyst on my left side even thou the pain ive had is on the right side.

And now i'm really scared and thinkin all sorts and the thought of surgery petrifies me so i'm really hopin it dnt come to that

11-18-2013, 01:18 PM
Hi Dweeb, I'm really sorry the scan showed a cyst. What did the doctor say needs to happen next? I believe you can often just leave ovarian cysts and wait for them to go away on their own? I'm sure they don't always need surgery. But obviously, I totally understand why you would be worrying about that. Do you have someone close to you who you can talk to? Also, hopefully your doctor can reassure you?

Thinking of you and really hope that everything is ok!!! Hang in there!!!

11-18-2013, 01:28 PM
Ive got to go wednesday and discuss with the doctor what will happen nxt he said my cyst is larger than normal thou :(

Its the thought off havin to have an operation that scares me the most as ive never had 1 before

11-18-2013, 01:34 PM
My cousin had this and also had to have an operation and it was keyhole and said it was amazing afterwards so I am sure if you need surgery it won't be bad try to keep your chin up

11-18-2013, 01:37 PM
Yeah my sister had 1 removed a couple of weeks ago so i now that it aint nothin major and shes alot better now shes had it removed.

I just get scared of surgery in case i dnt wake up from the anaesthetic :( it just rele scares me

11-18-2013, 01:54 PM
It really hard to think about anything else isn't it when something scares you

I remember having my daughter and I got taken for an emergency c section the surgeon was from newcastle which is where I am from and I found it so strange but he tried to have a joke with me and I wanted to claw his eyeballs out I was so scared

It's the initial getting it done but afterwards you think why was I scared just try thinking of the afterwards because you will wake up!

11-18-2013, 01:58 PM
Yeah i need to try and remain positive i guess its just so hard at times like this ive always feared surgery an since havin anxiety 4mnths ago afta my daughter had er surgery the fear as got so much worse :(

Do u now if u can get referred pain with a cyst cuz ma pain is always right sided low down and the bottom of my back and only now and again on ma left side bt the cyst is on my left ovary

11-18-2013, 02:14 PM
Yeah you can before my cousin had surgery she was really bad with pain her was a really big cyst tho she was on a cocktail if pain killers for low back pain and it was travelling down her legs

11-18-2013, 02:17 PM
Awww ok thank you for the replies :)