View Full Version : Take me away

11-18-2013, 04:07 AM
Is there a system in England where I can get someone to take me away and get me better. My anxiety is so so bad in the mornings and I'm falling apart so fast and I desperately need help please someone help me

11-18-2013, 04:13 AM
What do you mean by take you away?

11-18-2013, 04:22 AM
Hospital or somewhere

11-18-2013, 04:27 AM
I have you got a crisis team number? I would give them a call and they should come out and assess you and then decide what is best for you Hun, hang in there

11-18-2013, 04:35 AM
I'm waiting for my CBT lady to call me back

11-18-2013, 04:41 AM
I'm waiting for my CBT lady to call me back

What City are you in? In London they have day hospitals, which are outpatient, and you go for a few weeks to do various therapies, I did that, found it very helpful. Outside of London, I don't think there are many now, unless you wanna pay.

11-18-2013, 04:44 AM
In hertfordshire

11-18-2013, 07:37 AM
In hertfordshire

Do you have a crisis team? They're usually the ones to put you forward for any of this stuff. They're pretty much meant to be the last line of defence between a person and suicide... So when someone finds life hard, or is struggling big time, they try and get you in somewhere that will help.

Sadly due to all the cut backs on the NHS, there isn't as much out there for mental health issues.

Do you have any benzos for when the worst strikes? No point suffering in agony 24/7!

11-18-2013, 07:41 AM
Samaritans(http://www.samaritans.org/), call. They have a great reputation for...............helping. Alankay

11-18-2013, 07:43 AM
Is there a system in England where I can get someone to take me away and get me better. My anxiety is so so bad in the mornings and I'm falling apart so fast and I desperately need help please someone help me

I felt the same way last week. It was so horrible I couldn't function. At one point I thought to myself "If I am dying, please just get it over with now."

I am an American, so I can't speak for the British mental health system. But here, you cannot get admitted to a psych hospital unless:

1) You're Suicidal

2) You're Homicidal

3) You're Psychotic and being committed (by family or police)

That's it. No matter how bad you feel, unless you are going to harm yourself or someone else, you are out of luck. (Unless you are rich and can afford private psychiatrists and private hospitals).

But here we do have government ran clinics that will do "day hospitals" for free or whatever you can pay. You typically don't get to see a doctor, but doctors are on the premises. You can also setup an appointment with a doctor, but it can take a few weeks to get in. The good thing about these programs is it at least gets you around other people and you get to talk to nurses and counselors as well.

Another option, at least here, is to go to your local hospital ER and just tell them what's going on. At least you'll get to see a doctor and you can't be turned away if you have no money.

I would imagine it's is probably pretty similar in England. Just some options to think about. But whatever you do, don't rely on a regular run-of-the-mill family doctor for this. I would seek out a psychiatrist since they are for more expert in these matters. Considering England is even more socialized than the U.S., I can't help but think there are government funded psychiatrists there somewhere.