View Full Version : Question about this panic attack

11-17-2013, 07:52 PM
So today I smoked green after my mouth got dry.... About 10-15 min after I was staring and I turned my head and I got dizzy and this terrible head rush like warm sensation then I got real hot and my heart started racing ..... After this I still got dizzy and I was shaky and my legs were numb.... Was this panic

Chris C
11-17-2013, 09:15 PM
Sounds like it. I can't smoke weed cause it gives me panic attacks.

11-18-2013, 07:46 AM
Sounds like it. I can't smoke weed cause it gives me panic attacks.

Same here. In fact, I NEVER had a panic attack in my life until I smoked pot. Ever since then (about 10 years ago) I have struggled with them ever since.

They say pot is "safe" and harmless. While it might be harmless physically, people need to be aware that if you are prone to anxiety, it is a BAD idea to smoke it.