View Full Version : Cant exsplain

11-17-2013, 06:56 PM
Hello everyone so iv work up in the middle of the night it's now 2 o'clock in the morning. I feel very disorientated and dizzy almost like I'm drunk in a way, my chest hurts and I have a weezy cough. Really don't know what's wrong with me feel like am just going to die. My body is all tence and stiff

11-17-2013, 06:58 PM
I get like that sometimes. Does ur jaw ache when u bite down?

11-17-2013, 06:59 PM
I get like that sometimes. Does ur jaw ache when u bite down?

Yeh I think I might have a sleeping disorder or something

11-17-2013, 07:07 PM
Sounds a bit weird as ur a guy and I'm a girl but during the time of the month I get like that and it's coz of stress and tension in ur body. What's probably happened is while ur asleep ur brains working over time and u could have just dreamt something an ur biting down on ur teeth that's why they ache when u bite down now and ur body is stiff and that's most probably why u have woken up

11-17-2013, 07:18 PM
Sounds a bit weird as ur a guy and I'm a girl but during the time of the month I get like that and it's coz of stress and tension in ur body. What's probably happened is while ur asleep ur brains working over time and u could have just dreamt something an ur biting down on ur teeth that's why they ache when u bite down now and ur body is stiff and that's most probably why u have woken up

I keep thinking am going to have a stroke or something all my symptoms are like I was having one so strange I just want to sleep but I feel terrible and scared

11-17-2013, 07:19 PM
U won't have a stroke I promise :). But remember you have woken up in the middle of the night and ur probably tired and if u have had a bit of a stress in ur sleep ur bound to feel crap.

11-17-2013, 07:21 PM
Could also have been where u are so tired that can make me feel really out of it. Like now it's almost half 2 and I wish I was asleep but my body won't switch off

11-17-2013, 07:25 PM
Anxiety symptoms are pretty close to those of those of a stroke, but not as extreme. If you're having a stroke, you'll really know it. You'll think that the world is falling down around you. If you have a mini stroke you usually don't notice them when they happen, you just wake up in a hospital or some where you weren't last. Just ask yourself, "what am I worried about?" Nobody has ever died from anxiety. Just keep telling yourself that when you try to sleep.

11-17-2013, 07:30 PM
Thank you am just so scared being dizzy and tiered my head is all over the place. I feel so tiered but can't sleep.

Why do I keep obsessing over such stupid things it's ruining my life

11-17-2013, 07:58 PM
That is a good question and often one I ask myself daily more than once.

Anxiety and panic isnt something we are born with it's taught. Our bodies have learnt that over the years anxiety and panic is something to fear therefor when it happens your body wants to run away from it

11-17-2013, 11:08 PM
I've had this cold for a couple of days, it's made it REALLY hard to breathe. I've been sipping energy drinks all day to soothe my throat too.

In the night, I woke up, around 4am, and I think the gasping for air, and loads of caffeine took its toll, as my blood was cold. In my head I just felt something wasn't good. There was just this doom like feeling in my body I couldn't place to anything. I just felt like something bad was on the horizon. I turned on the light, and I was woozy, I couldn't focus on anything, I really felt bad. Hadn't felt like that in a while.

But I knew it was a panic attack. Although my mind was saying 'what if' nonsense, I knew what it was. For the next couple mins, I just stood outside, in the cool morning air, and talked it down. Completely deflated the whole thing, every single thought, I neutralized, every single time that small surge of adrenaline raced through me, making me doubt, or fearful, I played it down, comforted myself, laughed, kept relaxed body language.

After 120 seconds it was gone. That was a few hours ago, but I know it won't be back. It has no reason to be. Panic attacks aren't your mind telling you stuff... They're you're mind asking you stuff. Once you communicate no, you don't want or need this process, then they go, they have no purpose.

Obviously I've had this a while, so I'm very practised, but you're able to dismiss panic attacks just as easily with some practice. Just practice saying no thank you to whatever your mind throws at you. Practice feeling the conviction of saying you're ok, practice learning the type of self talk that is calming to you. It's not easy, but you get there pretty quick.

Cos I have a sneaky feeling you communicate with your anxiety, or the doubt that arises, signalling to your brain that yes, we do need this process, so send some more anxiety our way :)

11-18-2013, 07:24 AM
That is a good question and often one I ask myself daily more than once.

Anxiety and panic isnt something we are born with it's taught. Our bodies have learnt that over the years anxiety and panic is something to fear therefor when it happens your body wants to run away from it

I'm not so sure about that. Some people are born with Diabetes, it wasn't "taught." Likewise some people are born with mental health issues (depression, bi-polar, GAD, panic, etc.) If anxiety wasn't chemical, then ativan or xanax wouldn't work so well. Some people, for whatever reason, have a propensity for anxiety attacks. Research has shown it runs in families, which means it has a genetic component.

Sure, you can help manage it with therapy and practice, but I am a firm believer that medications are necessary for severe cases. When I am having severe anxiety, nothing I do or think about helps. I need that klonopin.

So, yeah, I take offense when people say "oh it's your fault, get over it." BS. It's not "my fault." Do you think I enjoy feeling like I am dying 24/7? Do you think I enjoy going to the ER and making a fool of myself in front of the doctor and nurses?

Anxiety attacks are basically just your brain and CNS going into "fight or flight" mode for no reason. Normal people will go into "fight or flight" when they step in front of a bus by accident, or get robbed at gunpoint, or military men in combat, etc. People like me get "jacked up" just like that while sitting around on my couch watching TV. For some reason my brain gets the "signal" that my life is being threatened and then it sends me into this "panic" mode. This fight or flight mode is there to protect us from harm, but in some people it is "activated" for no apparent reason. It's all chemical and in the brain. It is not behavioral, even though there are behaviors that might help calm it a bit.

11-18-2013, 08:08 AM
I can talk myself out of a panic attack pretty quckly now I Had one last night and within 2 mins I had stop panicking but I didn't feel back to normal until about 2 hours later