View Full Version : Anxiety and exercise

11-17-2013, 02:48 PM
Went to gym today and sometimes my anxiety take over me! I get my heart rate up and I'm fine but still the sudden rush of anxiety takes over my body! It freaks me out and I have to leave early sometimes bc of it. I figured by working out the anxiety would go away but sometimes it effects my workouts! Anyone else suffer from
Anxiety at gym? Good luck to all!

Olive Yew
11-17-2013, 02:53 PM
Yes! I hate it! I like running 5k's with my family but my anxiety likes to kick in a lot when I exercise which is weird because everything says that exercise is suppose to help... And it's not.. So it's discouraging

11-17-2013, 02:58 PM
I know it constricts me breathing and doesn't allow me to push myself the way I want to sometimes! It does help when I have workout partner keep my mind off it or my headphones! Good luck to you!

Olive Yew
11-17-2013, 03:03 PM
I know it constricts me breathing and doesn't allow me to push myself the way I want to sometimes! It does help when I have workout partner keep my mind off it or my headphones! Good luck to you!

Even with the partner it sucks... Sort of makes it worse actually cuz my partner is usually my mom and she doesn't like me to stop or slow down which just frustrates me and makes me me claustrophobic. I feel like such a baby that I cant just shove through it

11-17-2013, 03:08 PM
Haha that's awesome that your mom likes to workout good bonding time! I push when I can and back off when I can't! You know your body the best!

12-04-2013, 02:13 AM
I'm the same, when my heart rate goes up, my mind automatically thinks panic and boom comes the panic attack. I just take a breather, really listen to the song on my iPhone or if not the noises around.. While deep breathing then as soon as it starts to subside get straight back into the rep and if it happens again just do the same thing. That's what I do, but granted some days there is nothing to do but walk your happy ass out of there and think tomorrows a new day.