View Full Version : Why do i do this to myself

11-17-2013, 01:32 PM
So I have been given a different stomach tablet beause I was convinced my last ones were making me feel weird

Anyway I took one yesterday and my anxiety kicked up a bit but I never even thought of the tablets until later I started feeling better I then had a light bulb and thought it must be the tablet wearing off so it has to be these tablets

My stomach has been so sore today I have given in and took a tablet well obviously I have been sitting waiting for this tablet to kick in and all of a sudden I got very breathless and thought omg I can't breathe ( I also looked at the side effects leaflet beforehand idiot!)

I quickly calmed myself down but now feel so ill again and can't decide whether its anxiety or it is actually the tablet!

11-17-2013, 02:10 PM
I believe it's anxiety