View Full Version : Miracle cure for Scocial Phobia and General Anxiety.

11-16-2013, 08:33 PM
I have stumbled a pawn a med that has changed my life.
If interested just ask me about it, it may or may not help you, but it has cured me . I,m not sure if I was diagnosed correctly for the condition in my title. I was on anti-depresents and had cognitive therapy, didnt work for me. It just messed me up worse, this happened 17 years ago at a renouned world clinic. So much for the experts on this condition.

11-16-2013, 10:02 PM
Hi, What is the med that helped?

11-20-2013, 08:55 PM
Tramadol is the med, don't mix it with any ant-depressants!

11-20-2013, 09:47 PM
That good Stevy ... I believe my mate has taken this a few times as a pain killer.

It's not really meant to be used long term as antidepressants and some anxiety meds are; this is due to the side effects often felt with long term use.

I'd definitely be talking to the doctors on this one if intended to be used for anything other than pain. Unfortunately that's where I feel the problem comes with miss-DXing - wrong information given to doctors to gain access to pain killers. My mate is addicted to theses kind of meds. Always needs to keep going back to the doc because it's either his neck or back (started in his 20s) - then when we go camping, he throws all his pills before me, asking if I want any. Tramadol is a favorite of his.

Again ... it's not meant for long term use due to side effects (long term) and possibly listed with other meds as one to watch build up in the kidney.
Use with caution ... research it/Google.

Edit ... still looking into this - It's an opioid Med which means you have to up the dose at some stage. It's also called Ultram. Defiantly off label use for anxiety. I'm actually using an med off label med myself. Mine is called Quetiapine AKA Seroquel, which is a topic I will have to participate in next time I see that one pop up. I believe Seroquel is more an antipsychotic drug used commonly for schizophrenia patients. I could be wrong, but Google seems to be confirming what the psychiatrist said to me. Mine can't be too bad at a low dose, as I was prescribed 6 months worth, to save the doctor having to prescribe it again for me. I'm taking 50mg nightly (6-8pm)

Great care needs to be sort when recommending any of these types of meds.

PS- New Update ... Daughter got back from the clinic and claims they have a big Sign down there -> Tramadol Not Prescribed at this clinic! (Go figure?)

11-21-2013, 08:11 PM
Hi Ponder
I have Fibromyalgia, that's what I really take the med for. The side benefit is greatly reduced anxiety and clearer thinking.
I work closely with a specialist here in Canada. I had no quality of life and could hardly work, so whats left.
I agree this stuff is not for everyone, addiction and abuse are real. But if you have real pain and real anxiety the cons are negligible .That sign, is for pain killer junkies, "like places that post no cash on premises",they cant get oxi-codine so they try the next best thing .I hope this stuff dos,nt get pulled because of assholes that abuse it or steal it to get high!!!
Anyway I have read a lot of posts and there is lots of people a wits end looking for a way out. I think in some peoples cases the anxiety is linked to the Fibro. condition, my doctor agrees.
I have researched the med ,my information is from the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association and other related links that my doctor suggested.
I,m on the lowest dose 37 mg with 325 acetaminophen.
People with real pain don't abuse this stuff. Its like hospitals that use voluntary morphine pain pumps for patients, typically the patient uses only enough when needed.
Anyway thanks for the input, I,m always open to other peoples opinion and knowledge.
Let me hear from you again.
p.s. I no I have to be carefull about telling people about this med, maybe more harm than good , don't know. But can I deny people of what I know and the benefits?
Australia eh, what part.