View Full Version : very scared about this anxiety

11-16-2013, 04:08 PM
Hello everyone- I am new to this forum. But i am so glad i found it. In the past few moths i have developed severe health anxiety. I feel as if i have no control over my mind and body anymore. It started a few months back when i had to get an endoscopy for acid reflux. When the doctor told me they automatically biopsy the esophagus and stomach for some reason i got totally freaked out. I was so convinced i would have stomach or esophagus cancer. I would cry and have anxiety attacks so bad. My hubby is very understanding and always positive. Everything was normal though. Then i went for my annual exam and was so convinced i had cervical and ovarian cancer. I had doctor do blood work up and was freaking out again until i got results back. everythin was fine there as well. Recently, i went for a 3d mammo again freaking oiut beyond control until i got results. everything was negative, but because of dense breasts an ultrasound is recommeneded but not necessary. I am going for that Wednesday, once again such bad anxiety. Crying, back pain. chest pain. Hubby seems to be getting annoyed by now. He said do you realize you though you had stomach cancer, esophagus cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and now breat cancer in the past 2 months? I have lost 13 Lbs. from not eating or sleeping. He doesnt understand i dont want to be like this. The fright that is inside of me is horrible. I start to feel each symptom before each test. I am starting to talk to a Psychologist this week, because i can"t go on like this... I will be a mess until after Wednesday with this other test. I guess i just need some support... i feel lost

11-16-2013, 04:50 PM
Hi patti and welcome to the forum. I also have health anxiety so understand how terrifying it is. I have recently started meds which are helping me. I don't have 100% good days but I'm getting there. I think your hubby sounds amazing but I get how frustrated they get. I used to wake mine up terrified I was going to die through the night. I try and use anything and everything to distract myself now and have recently started going to CBT which is helping me a great deal.
I hope your results come back fine on Wednesday. Keep us updated on them and physiologist visit. But I'm sure you have nothing to worry about :-)

11-16-2013, 11:01 PM
Welcome to the forum. I also suffer from health anxiety. I just started having anxiety in the last year, so I can understand how hard it is to wrap your mind around what you are going though. I would have never thought all the weird feelings I had were anxiety related. I swore I was having heart attacks, or a weak heart...blood clots, brain tumor, stomach cancer, leukemia, MS...you name it. All normal of course. I do have some sinus tach, but honestly I think it's anxiety caused.

Definitely talk to your doctor about some options to help you. I went the meds route (which as a health anxious person scared me to death). They help me so much! There are some days I don't even notice my anxiety anymore. And soon I'm starting CBT as a hope to get off the meds one day. You can do this. It sounds like you have a great husband and an understanding doctor. Keep reminding yourself that you're just feeling anxious. Distract yourself with something fun, and hopefully you'll be doing well soon. Hope your test results come back well!