View Full Version : really frustrated with family and doctors

01-11-2008, 02:48 PM
well i try and tell my family about my problems and that i want to get help and my mother fucking starts yelling and me and saying that its not anxiety, its that i am insane

i went to the doctor a while ago and he immediately gave me pills (zoloft) and didnt even really look into what i was telling him at all. the zoloft gave me a horrible allergic reaction and then i went back and he said we can try something different but i am afraid to

i am very poor and cant afford to pay someone 200 dollars an hour just to help me

i am all out of options here and i dont know what to fucking do. im sick of living with this shit day in and day out.

01-11-2008, 04:40 PM
Are you in school or college?

I know at my college they have a free counseling service for students.

Well right now I have a mother and father who won't let me get on meds cause they think it will go away when school starts. I don't really think it will and I can't live like this. I don't really know what to do to get them to understand how much this is bothering me.

I'm sorry you are having problems, I hope you get through it.

01-12-2008, 09:12 AM
Hello Kevin Sorry to hear about your problems at home. Of course everyone here knows you are not insane, anxiety just does not come anywhere near insanity.

I am unable to suggest what you can do as regards visiting a counsillor. I am in the UK and that sort of treatment does not have to be paid for. I wish you well in your search.

01-15-2008, 03:26 PM
Hello Kevin. Check with a local hospital for a referral to a free mental health clinic in your area. Every community has free mental health services. I guess it's cheaper than having crazy people running around :tongue: best of luck to you!!! Kuki.

The Melody of Rain
01-15-2008, 09:21 PM
Take kuki's advice man, there's definitely a free clinic nearby. I myself received this kind of reaction when I explained my issues to my parents but I'm sure theres no malice involved, its just that no one can understand anxiety as well as the afflicted.

You can PM me if you want to talk, I'll help in in whatever way I can. I might take a look over your posts, see what kind of situation your in. Take it easy man.