View Full Version : Health anxiety bad today :-(

11-16-2013, 12:30 PM
I've been doing okish with my health anxiety lately but today my brains just been running on crazy I think :-/
Well for some strange reason I convinced myself I was drowning. I had some pop go up my nose when I had a drink and it hurt like hell as it normally does. But of course my brain thought I was going to drown, as I heard when I was little someone died off a teaspoon of water they drowned. So of course when the palpitations and chest pain started that was in fact confirmation I was dying. Even now when I breathe through my nose it's hurting and feels stuffy that's freaking me out :-/.
Where do I get these crazy ideas from?
Why does my brain have to work this way?
I'm really annoyed with myself today, I really want to feel normal grrr. Fed up!!!!
Sorry for ranting just wanted to write it down

11-16-2013, 12:41 PM
I have had a bad day aswell I felt great this morning and then by this afternoon I started going downhill I don't know whether its because my counsellor told me to not trying taking my tablets half an hour in was meant to and the last one I am taking is having a crappy effect in the morning or I am just sooo tired I am putting it down to being tired I have been getting chest pain again and obviously I thought I was having a heart attack its just so disheartening at times so I feel your pain Hun xx

11-16-2013, 04:40 PM
Thanks for your reply its nice to no I'm not alone. Hope you are feeling a bit better :-)

11-16-2013, 05:23 PM
I've been doing okish with my health anxiety lately but today my brains just been running on crazy I think :-/ Well for some strange reason I convinced myself I was drowning. I had some pop go up my nose when I had a drink and it hurt like hell as it normally does. But of course my brain thought I was going to drown, as I heard when I was little someone died off a teaspoon of water they drowned. So of course when the palpitations and chest pain started that was in fact confirmation I was dying. Even now when I breathe through my nose it's hurting and feels stuffy that's freaking me out :-/. Where do I get these crazy ideas from? Why does my brain have to work this way? I'm really annoyed with myself today, I really want to feel normal grrr. Fed up!!!! Sorry for ranting just wanted to write it down

I can totally relate... I always think the worst about every situation and blow it out of the water. And if I get chest pain.. Ugh that just throws my whole day off.

11-16-2013, 05:35 PM
I'm having a rough day as well and I came back to visit this site so I could read that it will pass. I feel really alone in feeling this way. I am starting a new job and feel a lot of anxiety about it, and then feel stressed because I used to start a new job with no anxiety, no problem. I work contracts that last a few months at a time, so I am always starting something new, only it's getting really hard to do so. I quit one job this year because of anxiety so now my brain and body are scared that I will quit this one, too. I would appreciate any words of wisdom from my fellow anxiety sufferers.

11-16-2013, 05:37 PM
Petrified - are you getting any therapy or taking meds ? Health anxiety is torture. I would look I into CBT as it's supposed to be the most effective therapy for it. I've just started

11-16-2013, 11:28 PM
Hope you're feeling a bit better now, Hannah! I hate Health Anxiety. Well, all serious anxiety really! I get anxious when I can't breathe through my nose properly. I'm often congested because of sinus issues/allergies and it's really a horrible feeling not being able to breathe freely!

Hope tomorrow is a better day!

11-20-2013, 03:10 AM
Thanks everyone :-) I'm doing ok just Internet is down. I spent a full day at a and e yesterday, not for me though. My son fell off his bike and needed 11 stitches so my thoughts are just about him at the min

11-20-2013, 04:35 PM
Thanks everyone :-) I'm doing ok just Internet is down. I spent a full day at a and e yesterday, not for me though. My son fell off his bike and needed 11 stitches so my thoughts are just about him at the min

Hi Hannah! I've been thinking about you and hoping you're ok! Good to hear that the reason you weren't here was because of an internet outage (even though internet outages suck and literally have me climbing the walls on the rare occasion that they happen!)

So sorry your son fell off his bike and needed stitches. Hope he's doing much better now!

Look forward to seeing you again soon! xxxxx

11-21-2013, 06:20 AM
Health anxiety, to put it bluntly, sucks! My son will be 3 in February, and every time he gets something tiny like the sniffles, I go into panic mode and think "oh my god, I am going to get sick". Sometimes the panic gets so bad I'm totally incapacitated.

Glad to hear you feeling better, petrified and I hope your son heals quickly, tailspin :)

11-21-2013, 03:23 PM
Hi, I've never posted on here before, but I also suffer from health anxiety and I also agree it SUCKS, I've had it for about a year now and I was just wondering if anyone had ANY advise on trying to help it go away. I'm on fluoxetine 20mg but I don't think it does anything....... I know I should go back and tell him, but my problem is I'm terrified of going to the doctors :/

I have two children and I am constantly checking them to make sure there not ill.... It's just so tiring bringing up two kids battling this constant fear everyday :(

11-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Hi Gemma,
I'm in the throes of real bad health anxiety right now and recently started CBT as it's supposed to be the most effective therapy, but it's a slow process. As for meds, they will slightly ease the physical side but won't make the .'thoughts' go away. Have you asked the doc about therapy ? It's a 6 month wait on Nhs or you can go private - that's what I did. I also tried to register for .'living life service ' look it up, they do CBT over the phone, up to 9 sessions but it's only for moderate/mild anxiety - and mines was deemed as severe ! Good luck x

11-22-2013, 01:44 AM
Hi Gemma, I'm in the throes of real bad health anxiety right now and recently started CBT as it's supposed to be the most effective therapy, but it's a slow process. As for meds, they will slightly ease the physical side but won't make the .'thoughts' go away. Have you asked the doc about therapy ? It's a 6 month wait on Nhs or you can go private - that's what I did. I also tried to register for .'living life service ' look it up, they do CBT over the phone, up to 9 sessions but it's only for moderate/mild anxiety - and mines was deemed as severe ! Good luck x

thanks for the reply :) I'm not sure what level my anxiety is at to be honest I think I have days that are severe but luckily I can also have "good" days what I would rate at mild/moderate but I will still look in to it thanks.
I have been referred twice for CBT but it just hasn't gone anywhere yet.
I always think "it's got to go away at some point" but a year on and it's still here :( I'm willing to try anything to get back to 'normal'. I may look in to private CBT and see if it affordable. thank you for the advise :)

11-22-2013, 11:07 PM
That's what I deal with most. I'm constantly feeling like I'm dying or have a life threatening disease. Or my family
Is going to die and I'm not going to Be able To cope. I can't stand this :( today I'm
Having a terrible day :( my mind is out of control I feel so hopeless and the impending doom feeling is terrible. I hate living my life like this. I can't be normal for even 24 hours.

11-22-2013, 11:08 PM
Me too :( my daughter sneezes and I'm freaking out. I really wish this would go away. It's so crippling especially when you have kids

12-04-2013, 10:47 AM
Hi everyone thank you all for your kind replies, my son is doing a million times better it took 3 attempts to get his stitches out but he has managed to dance in a competition and is uk champ for second year running he played a footy match also.
I'm doing ok my health anxiety raised its ugly head again last night as I have a chest infection topped with flu, so this shortening of breath and tiredness has my anxiety up in arms. But I'm coping ok.
Hope you are all well, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this post but for some reason I didn't get the notifications :-)

12-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Health anxiety over here as well. Thats the main cause of my symptoms. Even the slightest twinge of pain sets me off into complete panic. It always goes away and I know that but I really cant seem to make myself calm down over it. Been to the hospital too many times and as much as its reassuring while im there it just doesnt solve the issue cause im always convinced the doctors have missed something.
Ahhh sucks :(

12-04-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi everyone thank you all for your kind replies, my son is doing a million times better it took 3 attempts to get his stitches out but he has managed to dance in a competition and is uk champ for second year running he played a footy match also.
I'm doing ok my health anxiety raised its ugly head again last night as I have a chest infection topped with flu, so this shortening of breath and tiredness has my anxiety up in arms. But I'm coping ok.
Hope you are all well, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this post but for some reason I didn't get the notifications :-)

Congrats to your son on being UK dance champ 2nd year running!! You must be super proud!! Glad he got his stitches out ok too!!

12-04-2013, 02:28 PM
Health anxiety over here as well. Thats the main cause of my symptoms. Even the slightest twinge of pain sets me off into complete panic. It always goes away and I know that but I really cant seem to make myself calm down over it. Been to the hospital too many times and as much as its reassuring while im there it just doesnt solve the issue cause im always convinced the doctors have missed something.
Ahhh sucks :(

I no those feelings well, health anxiety is horrible! It sometimes would just a word or if I watched something that would set mine off. I've been doing great with meds and CBT, I hope you find something to help you cope better soon :-)

12-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Congrats to your son on being UK dance champ 2nd year running!! You must be super proud!! Glad he got his stitches out ok too!!

Thanks Joanna, yeah he always makes me proud he's a great little lad. I'm very pleased about the stitches too. I think it was more of an ordeal for me than him lol :-D