View Full Version : This is Hell

Olive Yew
11-16-2013, 10:14 AM
My first period since coming off birth control pills and oh my gosh. I'm so depressed and out of it and shakey and Depersonalized and have this like constant knot of fear under my ribs along with this like... Yawning-pit-in-my-chest feeling too. I've didnt get to sleep until 3:30 last night. I've had 5 hours of sleep. I've cried like 3 times just this morning... And we're not talking little tears, we're talking all out bawling, rocking back and forth holding your chest because you feel you'll come spilling out if you dont hold yourself together type crying. My leg muscles shake and tremor when i use them like they're exhausted even though i've not been exercising recently.

On top of that my cramps are SO bad. They weren't even this bad BEFORE i went on birth control. I'm so depressed and so discouraged. I wish they had such a thing as a 24 hr Anxiety Hotline so people can talk you down from being in distress. And the more reading I do on meds, the less i want to take them. I really want to do therapy but my i cant unless my parents okay it first.

11-16-2013, 10:27 AM
I'm so sorry your dealing with this. I can relate to 90% of your symptoms. The only one missing is, I have heart flutters. Anxiety is always multiplied during menstration because of hormones. I always feel like I'm losing control when I'm on my period and it ALWAYS gets better. Just keep that in mind...some natural things you can try: chamomile tea, a nice warm shower, I know this sounds hard but exercise can really help...even if it's just getting out for a small walk, magnesium helps many people, and my number one help is prayer. I hope you feel better soon.

Olive Yew
11-16-2013, 10:39 AM
Thank you so much :) i have magnesium oil that i rub on my feet and tummy and i take a lot of supplements. Tea is fabulous. The exercise thing is hard though :\ my hormones are so out of whack due to the lack of birth control now. I just hate this.

11-16-2013, 10:49 AM
Yeah, the thought of exercise is dreadful to me too :( But I have to force myself to do it. I have a lot of pain issues in my body as well, so that doesn't help. One thing to remember is we do have control over our bodies, we just have to gain control over our thinking. It is hard, but we can do it!!!

Olive Yew
11-16-2013, 10:58 AM
Yeah... :) yeah i like that :) that helps to think about ^_^ might try and do my Richard Simons video today :P

11-16-2013, 12:13 PM
Richard Simmons..lol! Might give you a good laugh :) He always cracked me up....he is a chipper person!!

Olive Yew
11-16-2013, 12:47 PM
Exactly why i got his dvd lol! :)