View Full Version : Crap!!

11-16-2013, 04:40 AM
Iv woken up so anxious and on edge. I'm so tired and I'm struggling to eat :(. I feel like shit and I just want to cry and run away. Yesterday was such a huge step for me and today I feel iv gone back a few steps :(

11-16-2013, 05:11 AM
Iv woken up so anxious and on edge. I'm so tired and I'm struggling to eat :(. I feel like shit and I just want to cry and run away. Yesterday was such a huge step for me and today I feel iv gone back a few steps :(

Hi little one

Anxiety is often cumulative, so there's a chance that yesterday's big emotional happening has brought about a lot of today's feelings. It's not necessarily going backwards, just a process of going back and forth until you're desensitized to stuff and have regained confidence.

Feel better soon.

11-16-2013, 08:25 AM
I woke up feeling like my mind was going crazy. I went to bed so happy and proud of myself :( n today has been crap so far it's taken me 5 hours to sort myself out n calm down

11-16-2013, 08:37 AM
I go thru the same thing littleone...I.was a pretty normal mom, I always had anxiety,panic attacks but only in some situations...28yr 2 boys.... and I was struck out of no where 5 months ago I woke up to hell...I lost 20 pounds , struggled so bad everyday I can't explain it..I'll I can think of is I can't do this and my kids ohh I love them...why...I think what if I end up in mental institute...I know the pain and it hurts..breaks my heart for my baby's

11-16-2013, 11:18 AM
I don't know how to stop it. I'm scared n keep crying my life's so bad now coz I keep getting like this.

11-16-2013, 12:20 PM
Hi littleone, I hope you are feeling a little better. I always think you end up feeling worse having a bad day if it follows such a good one. All I can suggest is try and focus on the good days you are having and you aren't going to feel like this forever. This is only just a little stumbling block, and you are going to have an amazing day tomorrow :-)

11-16-2013, 12:32 PM
I either go to bed and sleep so easy and quick and wake up feeling really bad or I go to bed feeling sick and with acid and anxious and wake up starving hungry and able to eat. I go back to work a week tomorrow and iv been off for a week already and it's not getting any easier

11-16-2013, 12:43 PM
I also go back to work a week on Monday and I don't feel ready at all, I have had a crappy day today aswell so let's hope we all have a good one tomorrow

11-16-2013, 04:43 PM
It will get easier for us all. It probably will be tough for you both going back to work, but it might be what you both need. We ARE going to have great days tomorrow :-)