View Full Version : Tender areas of skin but nothing visual please help

11-16-2013, 02:22 AM
I know this may be a little off topic but maybe someone can help.

For many years now, from time to time, I have experienced feelings of tenderness on my skin. It can crop up anywhere, usually a small area i.e. hands/foot/inside of thigh, absolutely anywhere even my scalp. It lasts for a day or 2 then disappears. I would say it's uncomfortable rather than painful, just the slightest touch feels very sensitive I did mention it to the doctor once but he didn't have an answer for me.

At the moment I am having a worse than usual attack and it's been there about a week. It starts toward the right hand side of my back and spreads around my side toward my groin area. My wife has looked very closely and there is definitely no rash or redness.

I have an underactive thyroid but I can't find a connection with that.

Any ideas?

11-16-2013, 10:04 AM
It's probably a nerve messing with you. It gets inflamed and super sensitive for a few days then calms, I wouldn't be too worried as long as there isn't a rash.

11-17-2013, 10:26 AM
It's probably a nerve messing with you. It gets inflamed and super sensitive for a few days then calms, I wouldn't be too worried as long as there isn't a rash.

I really appreciate that because you are confirming what the pharmacist said to me today. It is very uncomfortable even with the slightest touch and it is spread over quite a large area. The pharm said that there is a band of nerves that covers this area. I might get a docs appointment in a few days to see if there is anything I can take.

11-17-2013, 10:34 AM
I really appreciate that because you are confirming what the pharmacist said to me today. It is very uncomfortable even with the slightest touch and it is spread over quite a large area. The pharm said that there is a band of nerves that covers this area. I might get a docs appointment in a few days to see if there is anything I can take.

I have been dealing with a pinched nerve as well and honestly, all my doc did was tell me to take Motrin and put heat on the area bothering me. It comes and goes...and she said it csn take a bit of time to resolve itself. Mine is in my leg.....and its uncomfortable.

11-18-2013, 01:31 AM
Well guys,
I went for an early GP appointment just now and quickly got to the bottom of the problem it's shingles and this morning it's bloody painful.
Thanks for you help.