View Full Version : Help with Nausea a new body symptom

01-11-2008, 09:13 AM

I have been struggling with stomach related stress and anxiety for 15 years. It has been on and off and started with being afraid of stomach aches, which brought more stomach aches. (internal OCD)

The stomach aches always made me agoraphobic and I missed out on alot of stuff in my late teens. I was checked out by doctors and had nothing wrong with me. I managed to get over that, but now I have a new body symptom: Nausea and it is very uncomfortable and scary! It comes on a few times a day, but I feel helpless and I run home and shake with fear. I am also losing weight.

I just returned from a 3 day trip to the hospital and they found NOTHING! They did: All types of blood tests, endoscopy, catscan, IV for 3 days, IV with Nexium.

I am starting to think that this is the next chapter in my anxiety.

My question is: has anyone else had a similar experience? Has hypnotherapy worked for anyone? I am going to start therapy in 3 days, but I want to hit this problem from all angles and I am going to fight.

In the back of my mind, I still like there could be a medical problem. Your thoughts?

01-12-2008, 04:05 PM
Hey, I don't know if this will help but...
When I have an anxiety/panic attack, I get nauseous (sp error). Anyway, I was having serious anxiety a couple of months ago that lasted for 3 months. I lost a TON of weight and it scared me. Whenever I feel anxious, I immediately get a nausiated feeling and can't eat. I have always had this condition and have come to terms with it. I don't think there is anything wrong with your tummy - it's just a physiological sign that you have anxiety. And, of course, the anxiety worsens it. My advice to you: make sure that when you do eat, eat food that is nutritious. A piece of apple, a piece of turkey with swiss. Please don't eat junk food, as it will weaken you and make you feel even worse. One last thing, be sure to take a multi-vitamin every morning.

Okay?? You'll be okay, try to divert your thoughts.

01-12-2008, 05:45 PM
mm I think the best thing to do is to find fun and interesting distractions from your anxiety. Read a book, watch a movie, go out with mates whatever it takes to take your mind off it.

01-12-2008, 05:52 PM
Thank you so much for your replies! I will follow what you are saying.

It is just so scary to have these feelings. Does anybody know of any really good relaxation CDs.

What about aromatherapy? Has anyone tried this?

The Melody of Rain
01-13-2008, 08:30 PM
Look into buying the Chillout Moods compilations.

I have a rather large amount of relaxing music on my computer but I'm extremely tired at the moment so I'll post some artists for you to check out at some point over the next few days.

As of late, I've been very interested in the efforts of Steven Cravis (http://www.stevencravis.com/), most notably the track 'Children of Beslem' which not only can be found on his site, but can also be found in this game (http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/high.htm), which always takes my mind away from troublesome thoughts.

01-14-2008, 07:12 AM
Thank You, The Melody of Rain,

I am going to purchase one of the CDs today!