View Full Version : Weird feeling in legs leads to MS fears..

11-15-2013, 05:13 PM
My whole HA fear is a feeling I get in my legs. Im used to going to the gym every other day and working out total body, but for over a month I hadn't gone to the gym because of a wrist injury. Suddenly I get this weird feeling in my lower legs when I walk that's like my lower legs aren't coordinating or balancing each other properly, that Im not placing my feet in the proper place...something like that, has anyone ever experienced it? The strange thing is that it comes and goes during the day and I feel it mostly in certain places that I walk (its making me a bit agoraphobic). For instance I got to work today early and felt fine, then the next time I walked around I felt it...then I got home, started laughing with my roommates and walked around without any issues. My boss at work said its probably because I sit in front of a computer most of the day...and the doctor thinks it might be a pinched nerve but I don't feel any pain at all..

I wouldn't say my legs are weak, as I just went back to the gym the other day and am still squatting almost the same as what I was over a month ago (15 pounds less, but ive also been eating much less the past month). Im not even sure I'd call it numbness, though that's the closest I can think of (my legs move, and I can feel them when I touch them). When I googled Numbness, "MS" came up and freaked me out. Even though these feelings come and go during the day, I get very tense when I feel it which leads my body to seize up for a split second. I have yet to show any toe drag or foot drop. I don't feel fatigue, blurry vision or tired; I typically walk very fast and get these feelings off and on but do just fine (haven't fallen over yet)...but then I stop and feel a tad light-headed (probably from being so tense). When I get these feelings my body gets so tense that it kind of seizes up for a second, but I take a deep breathe and it goes away. I also notice if I walk around taking deep good long deep breaths over and over, I don't feel usually feel it.

I'll add that Ive already had an EKG, blood sugar test, balance test, physical neuro test, eye exam, blood test, urinalysis and everything came back good except my Vitamin D levels were slightly low.

Anyone ever felt like this? Im interested in hearing some stories..