View Full Version : Palpitations

11-15-2013, 01:20 PM
Well if you read my last thread I have had massive palpitations in the last few minutes bigger ones than I have ever had I normally have just 1 and that's it but over the past 5 mins I have had about 6-7 long ones and it has Absaloutly scared the living lights out of me. My Parma became sweaty my heart was beating out me chest and I really started to hyperventilate..

Scared what is this please someone ?

11-15-2013, 05:10 PM
Hi there,
heart palpatations r not so great. I used to get them for public speaking in school. I get them now when I feel over anxious. Try to calm down; I know easier said than done. Maybe consult a doctor. Get better soon so u can live and enjoy ur life! Alita

11-15-2013, 05:28 PM
I was told that heart palpitations are normal.

11-16-2013, 10:13 AM
Hi there,
anyone on anxiety medicine? does it work? So far, I just try to breathe when the anxiety attack occurs. Let me know about the meds for this medical condition and maybe I can try it. Alita. Have a good weekend.

11-16-2013, 10:31 AM
It's anxiety! I was having them EVERYDAY for like 2 months...all day long. I went to cardiologist and found out that there nothing MAJOR wrong with my heart (just Mitral Valve Prolapse, which is benign) and they pretty much went away. We overthink things and I believe our subconscious is very powerful. Even if we don't THINK we're worrying...we just might be. Try to relax and get your mind off of them. Hang out with some friends or go do something you really enjoy. It will get better!

11-16-2013, 01:08 PM
Hi there, anyone on anxiety medicine? does it work? So far, I just try to breathe when the anxiety attack occurs. Let me know about the meds for this medical condition and maybe I can try it. Alita. Have a good weekend.

I'm not on anxiety meds but I am on anti depressants my life has been a roller coaster since I started them. Everyone reacts differently to them I think

11-16-2013, 01:10 PM
It's anxiety! I was having them EVERYDAY for like 2 months...all day long. I went to cardiologist and found out that there nothing MAJOR wrong with my heart (just Mitral Valve Prolapse, which is benign) and they pretty much went away. We overthink things and I believe our subconscious is very powerful. Even if we don't THINK we're worrying...we just might be. Try to relax and get your mind off of them. Hang out with some friends or go do something you really enjoy. It will get better!

Thanks this is a real help I think I'm going to have to see someone because I have stopped doing the things I use to love like football. I I can't handle panic attacks and palps yet I haven't Lerner how to I really need to learn

11-16-2013, 11:23 PM
Your welcome :) You said it right, we just have to get to where we can handle the symptoms and tell ourselves, it's anxiety! I'm the same way...there are symptoms I've had for years and still get scared when they show up. It's our minds...getting control of our minds is the key.

11-17-2013, 09:34 AM
Your welcome :) You said it right, we just have to get to where we can handle the symptoms and tell ourselves, it's anxiety! I'm the same way...there are symptoms I've had for years and still get scared when they show up. It's our minds...getting control of our minds is the key.

Am not use to it that's av always been a little worried about my health (health anxiety) but it's gotten beyond a joke over the last few month sometimes a cant even leave my room because my room is where I feel safe

11-17-2013, 12:58 PM
Same with me over the past couple of months it has spiralled out of control. !!! I constantly think I'm going to die. Such a dreaded feeling. Soon as I hear someone has passed I think if I'm going to be next. These palpitations don't help. I've had numerous ECG and echocardiogram and everything is fine x