View Full Version : I have cured my anxiety

11-15-2013, 04:35 AM
I now 38 years old, I have been dealing with anxiety since I was about 19. I didn't know what it was till my early thirties, been on meds a few times, but nothing helped except for Ativan, used only when need in low doses.
Zoloft for me did not work, I was on that for a year, got to 150 mg and it gave me such head aches and made my anxiety worse. I tampered down slowly over months and came off it, feeling no different from when I was on it, to just the same when off it. What a load of crap!
I started to ask myself why does this happen to me and no one else, what triggered it. I started to look into health and nutrition, reading countless books, blogs, and pod casts. I was on different medications for acid reflux, and other health related stuff like hives.
I was on a mission to find out what effected me, I was a vegetarian for awhile, I cut out sugar, I cut out wheat etc... Even juiced different fruits and veggies.
After all that found gluten caused my acid reflux, removed that from my diet completely, found that sugar gave me hives in larger doses. Found certain founds made my heart rate increase after eating them, usually if my heart rate increase by 20 beats I stayed away from that food. My average heart rate would be around 100, now it's around 80 all the time.
I weighed 240 last summer, now down to 205, cutting out the gluten and low sugar dropped the weight fast, I also don't eat any wheat products even without gluten, they spike my blood sugar to much.
After I dropped the weight, my sleep apnea went away.
My sleep has never been better, I wake up at 5 am without an alarm clock, I shut off electronics 1 hour befor the bed, make my room as dark as possible. In the past I could never sleep, I was taking sleep meds, medications, nyquil etc.. Just to get to sleep, and it would never be a good night's sleep.... Ever!
Now I wake up feeling rejuvenated, not drooling and falling asleep in the shower. I am off all meds and could not be happier.
90% of medical problems in this country is nutrition related, sleep related, or they have you on meds that cause more side effects then they are worth. Meds do help get you past some hurdles, but change in lifestyle is the solution I guarantee you that.
Exercise is also a huge help, it's a mood booster, not at the time of doing it, but for a after effect.
After 8 months of trying so many different options, I feel like I have what works for me, hope this helps someone.

11-15-2013, 04:36 AM
Forgot to mention caffeine is a big one, don't do it ever, check all labels

11-15-2013, 05:07 AM
This is awesome! Great info and I couldn't agree with you more. Congrats! So good to hear positive stories.

11-15-2013, 07:28 AM
I now 38 years old, I have been dealing with anxiety since I was about 19. I didn't know what it was till my early thirties, been on meds a few times, but nothing helped except for Ativan, used only when need in low doses. Zoloft for me did not work, I was on that for a year, got to 150 mg and it gave me such head aches and made my anxiety worse. I tampered down slowly over months and came off it, feeling no different from when I was on it, to just the same when off it. What a load of crap! I started to ask myself why does this happen to me and no one else, what triggered it. I started to look into health and nutrition, reading countless books, blogs, and pod casts. I was on different medications for acid reflux, and other health related stuff like hives. I was on a mission to find out what effected me, I was a vegetarian for awhile, I cut out sugar, I cut out wheat etc... Even juiced different fruits and veggies. After all that found gluten caused my acid reflux, removed that from my diet completely, found that sugar gave me hives in larger doses. Found certain founds made my heart rate increase after eating them, usually if my heart rate increase by 20 beats I stayed away from that food. My average heart rate would be around 100, now it's around 80 all the time. I weighed 240 last summer, now down to 205, cutting out the gluten and low sugar dropped the weight fast, I also don't eat any wheat products even without gluten, they spike my blood sugar to much. After I dropped the weight, my sleep apnea went away. My sleep has never been better, I wake up at 5 am without an alarm clock, I shut off electronics 1 hour befor the bed, make my room as dark as possible. In the past I could never sleep, I was taking sleep meds, medications, nyquil etc.. Just to get to sleep, and it would never be a good night's sleep.... Ever! Now I wake up feeling rejuvenated, not drooling and falling asleep in the shower. I am off all meds and could not be happier. 90% of medical problems in this country is nutrition related, sleep related, or they have you on meds that cause more side effects then they are worth. Meds do help get you past some hurdles, but change in lifestyle is the solution I guarantee you that. Exercise is also a huge help, it's a mood booster, not at the time of doing it, but for a after effect. After 8 months of trying so many different options, I feel like I have what works for me, hope this helps someone. as they say you are what you eat and food does a lot to your mood I'm just wondering what foods you do eat now? As I too have high anxiety on and off but also suffer bad ibs and acid and I think milk and bread ect trigger mine could u tell me what ur diet consists of plz thankyou

11-18-2013, 04:47 AM
I don't eat anything with gluten, I stay away from processed foods basically, make my own I trust that. Breakfast, I eat in any combination, eggs cooked in coconut oil, spinach, grass feed meats (bacon, ham, sausage, steak etc,) avocado these are good fats healthy for you brain and body, don't worry about cholesterol it doesn't matter, it's the inflammation caused by sugar, and other garbage that you might eat, or meds that cause heart disease. For lunch a salad topped with meat for protein, stay away from veg oils, or canola oils, and have olive oil based dressings. Trans fats, are bad don't eat them, the fda is going to finally make us get rid of trans fats yeah!
For dinner, sweat potatoes, meats, lots of veggies, half of what I eat in a day is raw, not cooked because cooking something destroys the nutrients.
I juice a few drinks, veggies and fruits during the day for more vitamins, and I take fish oil, and 4000 iu of vitamin d a day.

11-18-2013, 04:53 AM
Stay away for bread and wheat in general, 2 slices of bread turn into 12 tea spoons of sugar, eat real healthy fats. Cut out sugar completely, sub in Stevia not chemical sugar substitutes.
I switch to this type of diet and dropped 40 lbs, remember if it says low fat it's poison, because the remove the fat, and put tons of sugar in it to make it taste better and to have people buy it. Fat makes us full, and stay full longer, stop eating bag after bag of processed crap, and take back your life, it's so much better :-)

11-18-2013, 02:45 PM
Stay away for bread and wheat in general, 2 slices of bread turn into 12 tea spoons of sugar, eat real healthy fats. Cut out sugar completely, sub in Stevia not chemical sugar substitutes. I switch to this type of diet and dropped 40 lbs, remember if it says low fat it's poison, because the remove the fat, and put tons of sugar in it to make it taste better and to have people buy it. Fat makes us full, and stay full longer, stop eating bag after bag of processed crap, and take back your life, it's so much better :-) thankyou ;) I try not to eat bad stuff anyway with my ibs but I do enjoy a sandwich at lunch tho but I do get brown seeded bread and I have started juicing fruits which I do feel better when I have them but I really do want to start gluten free as gluten can cause so many problems without people realising it and many celebs say they feel great cutting out gluten. Thanx again for you info

11-19-2013, 01:11 AM
Seriously about to switch to a 100% raw vegan diet. Just went out and bought a juicer. Now its time to buy organic. I am overweight right now and I noticed my anxiety actually came on and struck me 2 years ago when I had my first panic attack. I was severely overweight and my diet was not good and I gained alot of weight in a short amount of time. I believe this caused some of the problems I have today. How were you mentally when you lost all that weight? Did the anxious thoughts seem to disappear along with the weight because you were feeling better in the body?

11-19-2013, 06:30 AM
I agree with the no caffeine. Cutting it out has helped me some. If you smoke, quit. Nicotine is also a stimulant.

As for the gluten thing, I am not so sure. A lot of people eat bread and sugar and don't have anxiety issues. But simple carbohydrates are bad in general because they make you gain weight faster than anything else. People say fat makes you gain weight, but all you have to do is look at some native tribes who eat nothing but animal meat and fats and all of them have 10% body fat and zero incidence of diabetes, etc. When's the last time you saw a fat aboriginee or south american native running around in the jungle? When's the last time you saw a fat Asian who doesn't eat "western" food? Almost never. The difference? They don't eat all these simple carbs (sugars mainly) that is put into almost all of our foods.

11-19-2013, 06:52 PM
Seriously about to switch to a 100% raw vegan diet. Just went out and bought a juicer. Now its time to buy organic. I am overweight right now and I noticed my anxiety actually came on and struck me 2 years ago when I had my first panic attack. I was severely overweight and my diet was not good and I gained alot of weight in a short amount of time. I believe this caused some of the problems I have today. How were you mentally when you lost all that weight? Did the anxious thoughts seem to disappear along with the weight because you were feeling better in the body?

I felt bad when I was over weight, I have tried a few things over the last few months. I ate some bad stuff fora few days like sugar or gluten. After a week I notice my sleep was as sound, made me tired in the morning arc together up. Put on a few pounds, and overall felt like crap and wanted to take naps after eating. The low down on the whole thing is eat well and you will live well. 90% of the illnesses today are caused by nutrition, the other 10% is genetics. Some people Bodies process foods differently, some people have food tolerances. Don't believe everything you read or watch. Read multiple sources, weigh the opinions Come to your own conclusions.

11-19-2013, 08:34 PM
Don't know about a cure but do feel better both emotionally and physically when I eat more fruits and veggies for sure. Alankay

11-20-2013, 08:03 PM
It doesn't happen over night it's not a quick fix, but overtime your body will heal from the years of damage that processed foods have caused.