View Full Version : Feeling as though I might be sick...

11-14-2013, 12:36 PM
I have a lump on the back of my head, on the left side of the occipital bone, had it for a long time yet sometimes it feels tender. Finally I went to the Dr and was sent for a skull xray and ultrasound rather than ct or mri, as he didn't believe it is anything. It has been a week since I went for these tests and I found out today that the results are in and I am to stop by after work to find out what it is... problem is when they called they said it wasn't urgent, but to have the dr talk to me... eekk... makes me think there is something wrong just not as significant as maybe a tumor.. my heart rate is not ridiculously high but none the less it's thumping away making me more nervous.... :(