View Full Version : Just when u tbink your on top of Anxiety

11-14-2013, 09:30 AM
How is it Anxiety just when you think your getting on top off Anxiety it just pops back in to your life !

11-14-2013, 10:18 AM
It's a life long battle from what I can tell, with occasional flare ups. Just learning how to deal with the flare ups and stop them before they start makes a big difference. I just recently had one but had to push everyday to go to work and manage a household alone but it is possible.

11-14-2013, 10:15 PM
I totally understand! I've had anxiety on and off for the past several years. It's been four years since my last flare up, but some stressful factors caused a recent flare up. But, I'm doing a little better and used my resources and coping skills to pull myself up before it got too bad - going back to my therapist, exercising, meditating, studying self help materials / books, etc. We have to work at it but it can be managed and overcome!