View Full Version : Do We Sometimes Overlook The Victories?

11-14-2013, 04:49 AM
Are you like me? focus on the negative? I was horribly agoraphobic in my early twenties. I couldn't go out without feeling "all eyes were upon me" for whatever reason, it's pretty much gone. Was it therapy or just time and experience? I don't know. But I do know that it WAS A VICTORY! it's one less thing to worry about. I realize now I should be happy about it, it was something I conquered! Maybe we should all take a look at ourselves and find some victory, no matter how small and take pride in it.

11-14-2013, 06:19 AM
Just about everyone with anxiety and panic focuses on the negative, and hardly ever on the positive. That's what anxiety does. it always makes you see the worst. I am so glad to hear you got over agoraphobia. That is HUGE! Grats to you! Whenever you feel something is a victory, force yourself to focus on that. It may not happen overnight, but eventually it will become easier to notice the victories and pat yourself on the back.