View Full Version : sorry another question

01-10-2008, 02:00 PM
Hi Folks

Does anyone suffer from Anxiety all the time?, ive read people's posts on here and i
can relate to their stories/symptoms but the difference is that my symptoms are all the time,
i feel so weak (especially in my arms and legs) i hear my heartbeat, all the time pounding in my chest and head
- racing at the most miminal of exerise, my head is dizzy
and feels like my brain is spinning almost everyday, allday. I have been to the doctors and had some blood
work done along with E.C.G's and i am always been told by a number of g.p's at my surgery that this is anxiety -
but can it be? to feel this bad for most of the time and for it to be nothing more serious??
im sick of feeling like i'm on the verge of a heart attack with the heart pounding and the chest
discomfort along with the worrying about the dizziness and head problems, its all getting too much - i
never feel right, i cant even do regular things such as shopping or even go out with my friends cause i just always feel ill, i am alone in this??

01-10-2008, 02:07 PM
Yes I feel anxious most of the time that I am awake, when I'm not busy. If you feel anxious you should do activities that are distracting and productive. Forcing yourself to socialise is good because it distracts you and it can help to tackle to anxiety head-on. Try and think positive thoughts, treat yourself to something nice. Also I find it really good to laugh at how outrageous some of my fears have been - laughter is great for making you feel better and I find it helps to put things into perspective.

No, you are not alone.

01-10-2008, 04:23 PM
Hi Folks

Does anyone suffer from Anxiety all the time?, ive read people's posts on here and i
can relate to their stories/symptoms but the difference is that my symptoms are all the time,
i feel so weak (especially in my arms and legs) i hear my heartbeat, all the time pounding in my chest and head
- racing at the most miminal of exerise, my head is dizzy
and feels like my brain is spinning almost everyday, allday. I have been to the doctors and had some blood
work done along with E.C.G's and i am always been told by a number of g.p's at my surgery that this is anxiety -
but can it be? to feel this bad for most of the time and for it to be nothing more serious??
im sick of feeling like i'm on the verge of a heart attack with the heart pounding and the chest
discomfort along with the worrying about the dizziness and head problems, its all getting too much - i
never feel right, i cant even do regular things such as shopping or even go out with my friends cause i just always feel ill, i am alone in this??

i can relate to everything you are saying here and i suffer most days as well, i get the odd good day but not too often.

i get headaches. dizziness, constanly aware of my heart beat, always checking my pulse, cant go in to shops for more than 2 mins or i become disoriantated.

the only time i feel like i used to do is when im out working, keeping my mind active and doing some physical work really helps my anxiety. its night times that are the worst for me.

no m8 you are not alone as your story is near enough 100% identical to mine but try and be positive, i know its hard but remember you are not alone and it will get better.

good luck

01-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Thanks Davie 28 and Alexcambridge for taking the time to read and reply, very good of you, and it hopes to know im not alone on this, thanks again...

01-11-2008, 03:25 PM
ok, part 2 of my question, is what the heck can i do about this?? i see a councilor at my G.P surgery but thats like once a month for an hour, and to be honest is very little help, the doctor has refered me to phycology, but that was 6 month ago and iam still waiting for an appointment, i've suffered with this for near on 11years and ive never felt this bad and im become obsessed with fear and these symptoms - even as i write this my head is spinning and i cant focus, my chest feels tight, my legs feel so weak it wont take the weight of my body, along with the strange burning,weak feeling from my elbows to my fingers - is all driving me crazy!!!. not sure how much more i can put up with this...

01-12-2008, 03:49 PM
have you tried cbt? (cognotive behavioural therapy).

i should be starting that soon and from what ive heard its meant to be very helpful.

only other thing i can think of is trying some excercise and see how that goes ie swimming.

what kind of medication are you on at the moment?

01-13-2008, 03:47 PM
hi Davie 28,

No i havent tried cognotive behavioural therapy yet, when i finally get an appointment with the psycologist, they may point me in that direction. My current medication is Buspar 5mg and to be honest i find it hard to exercise, my heartbeat goes crazy and with feeling dizzy most of the time i tend not to push myself physically..