View Full Version : Im just so over it

11-14-2013, 02:30 AM
I cried to a doctor today because I just can't handle it anymore. I have health anxiety and my brain creates physical symptoms for absolutely everything. I don't know what's real and what isn't real anymore and I'm just over it.

Because of the nature of my anxiety, I also find it very difficult to take anti depressants. The side effects are increased so much that I feel like I need to lock myself away for a week just to start taking them.

The doc has put me on a tablet called Pristiq today which I can cut into a quarter and start building up slowly but i just can't shake the feeling of impending doom or running the scenarios through my head that I'm only one test away from terminal diagnosis for something.

I just don't know what to do... I'm not at all suicidal but I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.

11-14-2013, 02:58 AM
Antidepressants never really helped my anxiety... I took them for a few years, was still anxious/depressed, and then realized vitamin supplements made me feel a lot better. Maybe you need to try another type of remedy, like vitamins, changing your diet, or changing your lifestyle?

You mentioned a sense of impending doom -- do you have panic attacks? You might benefit from fast-acting benzos like Xanax or Ativan. Although they might make your health anxiety worse if you're worried about side effects and risk factors.

A lot of us have cried to doctors and therapists, you're not alone! Health anxiety can be really debilitating. Just don't give up. It sounds like you're at a low point, and there's nowhere to go but up -- keep trying things to figure out what makes you feel better.

11-14-2013, 03:32 AM
I have health anxiety too and I always think every little pain is linked to something more serious, I don't know whether I am actually feeling poorly or if its just my anxiety I am never away from the doctors now always worrying

I was given an anti depressant and wouldn't take it because of the side effects I was eventually put in propanolol and because I was at the point of just needing something to take the edge off I have took it and it has done me the world of good I still have bad days but I have Valium for the panic attacks

They make me feel so sleepy I can't use them through the day with a toddler but they help on a night

I am starting CBT tomorrow and I am not sure they can change my way of thinking I always think the worst then if that doesn't happen the rest is a bonus

This has all stemmed from my dad dying 2 years ago so suddenly it had left me in pieces but instead I chose to be strong and pretend it hasn't affected me