View Full Version : Starting a new job and I'm anxious

01-10-2008, 03:21 AM
I'm starting a new job next week and am very anxious. I finished university last June and got my first fulltime work but was in a horrible job where I was bullied and verbally abused by my supervisor. It dented my self-confidence and has made me weary of new people and situations.

At the end of last year I got an exciting job in a good company but am extremely anxious about starting there. It is longer hours and a much different work culture to my previous job. I am worried that history might repeat itself.

I have been sick the last few days which has added to my anxiety. I hope that I can be well in time to start the new job and be in control enough to make a good impression and not have a panic attack.

Is this common for young people to be anxious about entering the 'real world'? Its very hard to adjust and get used to all the office politics. Such a change in life.

01-10-2008, 07:44 PM
Not only do young people experience a certain amount of anxiety when starting a new job, Everyone does. Anytime you are entering an unknown in your life there can be a certain amount of apprehension or nervousness. I think you might be surprised how fast your anxiety will dissipate once you realize there was nothing to worry about in the first place. After all, what's the worst that could happen? As for the job, good luck! I'm sure you'll do just fine. ;) take care.