View Full Version : reflux

11-13-2013, 07:43 AM
hat symptoms can reflux cause?

anyone take lanzoprazole jus bee prescribed it cos of pain incentre of chest he says it can cause chest pains all over and arm /short of breathe .

11-13-2013, 12:20 PM
xx xx

11-13-2013, 12:56 PM
I took omeprazole and had to come off it because I found it was trapping the gas more than helping

I still get breathless when it's trapped now but if I rick back and forward it comes up and gives me relief

11-13-2013, 01:08 PM
I don't even no if it is reflux or indigestion I'm getting but I've got really sharp pains all over my chest tonight especially in the middle

11-13-2013, 01:14 PM
I don't even no if it is reflux or indigestion I'm getting but I've got really sharp pains all over my chest tonight especially in the middle is or more like pressure or pain ?

11-13-2013, 01:15 PM
it's pain like little sharp pains :/ all over. is this a sign of reflux / indegestion or gas in the chest? it's scary

11-13-2013, 01:20 PM
I believe it's gas

11-13-2013, 01:25 PM
Don't worry it's def not your heart any cardiac pain feels like an elephant standing in your Chest

11-13-2013, 03:28 PM
Thanks well it's gone now.. but I'm still here with the normal daily chest pains I get! sharp pains under left breast always ugh!

11-13-2013, 11:11 PM
I get this all of the time. I have it right now actually. It's heartburn/indigestion/acid reflux. I get it all day every day so I just learned to try to ignore it. The pain runs through my arm and my rib/left chest area. They're short sharp pains like you described